Texas Gov. Greg Abbott begins gruesome persecution of trans children and their parents

Thank you for reminding us that personal agency and withdrawing consent from injustice are real things, even as they sometimes carry real, significant, life-changing costs.

Thank you for not hiding your light under a bushel basket.

You are not alone.
I sense there will be a lot of refusals to comply.

My gratitude to all your family members who are supporting you and each other in your group decision.


Consequences for evil actions…a wonderful thing:


Day Today GIF


That truncated on my phone to him buying Texas…. No idea his books were that profitable.


Plenty of us will not give in that easily. They are a minority, they know they are a minority, which is why they are so desperately trying to warp the electoral maps and rules. It’s a rear-guard action, as long as we persist. And we really have no choice in the matter. For a lot of us, the alternative is never going to be acceptable. Some have the privilege to just “go quietly into that good night” knowing they will never personally be targeted. Some do not.


Also none of us are really safe. I’m a cis white guy. I’m fighting for the rights of trans people because they’re my family and my friends and also because it’s just the right thing to do, but if I needed another reason I’d be doing it because I know it doesn’t stop with trans people, or other gender-nonconforming people, or people of color, or religious minorities.

I guess I’ve made myself a target by being willing to speak up, but I suspect that even if I could, in good conscience, stand quietly by I’m not sure that would protect me. Eventually those who are targeting trans people now would find something.


This is the biggest thing some folks struggle to understand. Trans is currently the easiest target, with the least support. For fascists, though, there always has to be an other to keep people frightened. That’s the key to power for them. “We will protect you from the evil, all-powerful (insert oppressed group here).”


FWIW, and showing just how much this is bugging me, I just had a convo with our county Prosecuting Attorney. When I told her what Abbott had done, she was horrified and assured me that this would never happen here, regardless of what Youngkin tried to pull off. Quote “You will never have one of my officers knocking on your door over some bullshit like this.” Reassurance, at least at the local level, for now. If only we could extend that to the rest of the country.


It would be the other states’ rights to choose whether or not to return the refugees from the state of Gilead Texas back there, now wouldn’t it? There would seem to be precedent for that.


That precedent lead to pretty severe consequences. Lets try to make sure it doesn’t ever come to that. How? I thought you knew that!


This is why I feel Republicans just straight up want trans people dead. They see studies like this, then ban health care…and in Abbotts case, remove information and a suicide hotline for trans youth from a state website as well.


We don’t call them trans eliminationists for no reason.


They don’t believe trans people really exist, and therefore have made it their policy to make sure you actually do not exist. It makes an evil, heartless, inhuman sort of sense, but that’s about the only kind of sense Nazis are capable of. And seeing the demographic shifts coming in the very short term, they are in a panic to secure power at the cost of however many lives it takes. “He is filled with fury, Because he knows his time is short.” (Rev 12:12)


there are many reasons i call the modern g.o.p. the death cult. this is one of them.

they’ve also done a great job of creating tens of thousands of excess deaths from covid due to their opposition to masking and vaccinations.


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