Texas mall shooter was wearing Right Wing Death Squad patch

Anti-abortionists produced a lot of disgusting images of aborted fetuses to make their points so it’s only fair we start to use the images of faceless gun victims to make statements about gun violence.

The press should not hold back on the realities of gun wounds. Gross Americans to their senses.


It’s mourning again in America.



I don’t understand what’s newsworthy, or relevant, about the fact that the guy never applied for a passport. Applying for a passport is neither suspicious nor illegal nor immoral, so why would the article mention that?


… I suspect the point was the guy was born here and never left, never lived anywhere else, and is thus 100% American, contrary to MTG’s innuendo


another daily reminder to stay out of Texas, what a hell hole.

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Texas is a wonderful place, held hostage by assholes. A story that is also true of my current home state, Florida.

In both places, the average inhabitant is trying to go about their daily lives in spite of the bullshit. Of course, they are also the people getting abused, harassed and murdered by the same bullshit.


And they’re already arguing that this means he absolutely, definitely couldn’t be a white nationalist, somehow…

It is funny that when it comes to EmptyGee, even for the issues she (supposedly) cares about, she can’t be bothered to engage with them in anything but purely performative ways that have no actual impact, making her ineffectively malevolent. All she’s good for is inspiring others (to be assholes), despite having direct access to the levers of power.

I’m assuming she had no actual basis for the claim, and it was just made reflexively in the same way that she immediately started blaming immigrants - because that’s what’s necessary for her gun violence narratives. Even if it were true, the shooting started in the parking area, exactly where all those armed Texans would have their guns…


i did a quick search and it’s a claim that seems go be appearing on extremist sites.

i actually assume it’s true as pretty much every mall i’ve ever seen in texas ( everywhere really, since most malls are run by the same company ) has some sort of “no guns allowed” sign

the signs are stupid. signs don’t work. only getting rid of the guns will.

especially in texas where the new “permitless carry” laws have rendered them moot.

texas passed about twenty ( no lie ) laws loosening gun ownership in the last couple years

the effect of the laws on the various signs is explained here - it seems to boil down to:

if you’re licensed, you can carry anywhere except at an airport or an nra conference. if you’re not licensed, you risk a fine.

anyone, licensed or not, who, when asked, refuses to leave an area with certain types of signs ( bars, i think ) risks a trespassing fine. but only “authorized” people are allowed to ask you. meanwhile, anyone who asks someone to leave risks death because it’s also a kill whomever you want “stand your ground” state.

kind of off topic, but interesting to note that stand your ground laws are known to increase the homicide rate



Some sort of variant of the Narcissist’s Prayer?


Don’t forget talking about how we need to do more about mental health! (Just don’t ask us to pay for it…)

(Also never mind it was St. Reagan that gutted federal funding towards mental health during his first year in office.)




You say that as if it’s just the natural state of things there. In reality, it’s a minority (<30%) of right-wing “sinners” pushing this hellish extremism via the usual Republican cheating and appeals to voter apathy and inertia and delusional greed. This situation doesn’t exist without them.


Oh, now that we no they were right wing is it time to pretend to talk about mental health for a while or will his ethnicity win and will the discussion instead blame immigrants. Because we can clearly never actually discuss easy access to guns in a culture dripping with violence at every level.


Saw what was purported to be a photo of that “gang tattoo”. It was just the logo of the city of Dallas. Same thing you see on every city-owned vehicle there.

(I live in the area and have worked in and around Dallas for decades)


If it wasn’t for those Other People, there wouldn’t be any problem with the pressure to buy weapons designed for mass killings, or with promoting “eagerness to kill people” as a defining trait of True Patriotism! They’re why we can’t have nice things!


The gun free zone claim is coming from the website of the company that owns the mall. It’s a simple code of conduct for all of their properties.

Number 4 says no weapons.

Texas is permit less open and concealed carry. Of course they check the rules of every store or mall they visit.

A private business can ban guns with proper signage at each entrance, had that signage been present those would be all over Twitter.

In other words it was not a gun free zone.

Is it possible that all these people carrying guns are actually afraid to engage an active shooter with an assault rifle because they know a hand gun is no match for an assault rifle?


The extremists will now probably switch to something less controversial.

Right Wing Christian Death Squad?


Yeah it’s their stupid way to try to convince people that anyone in Dallas tried to make a “gun free zone” in any meaningful way. Only when the GOP is having a convention.

Just more lies and deception… There is some liability waiver boilerplate on a piece of paper and MT-make guns not kids-G thinks that’s what laws are too apparently. How would she know though it’s not like she sucks up tax dollars like a parasite at a job that is supposed to make laws to protect people or something.


We have a winner!

Also not being highlighted much: there was confusion while this was occurring because there were other people with guns out reacting by having their guns out which resulted in confusion.


How many of the deaths were “post-confusion”?

When seconds matter you’re a liability, Gun-Fuckers. Just adding problems to a problem.