Texas man shoots two women who got into his car by mistake

Guns kill. Guns are for idiots and weak little pieces of shit. Guns are for losers. gun culture is shit. I’d rather be friends with some one who sucks cock in suburban bushes for meth money than a gun owner. Gun people they… they should be ashamed and horrified to talk about their sick sick fucking stupid ugly fucked up little problems and their shitty inelegant unaesthetic tools. People get shamed more for the games they play than their irresponsible gun attitudes. If you think a gun is making you safer you really need to understand you are too fucking stupid to own one safely.

And if anyone wants to flag me for that do it. It’s the truth though. If you are part of this culture you are one of the worst things about the USA. If you were getting help for all your problems and insufficiencies you wouldn’t feel like you need a gun all the time. You wouldn’t think to kill people at the first sign of trouble. Something is wrong… And you, gun fuck pieces of shit who enable or embody this, are accountable for it more than anyone else in this country.