That is bad, but it is not a pogrom.
Hello this is the Department of Catch 22 Child and Family Destruction. You as a social worker must follow ethics. To follow ethics you must first and foremost protect your client. To do your job means keeping accurate notes of social worker client interaction. When the government decides to audit records and finds trans kids, the kids will be executed. Therefore you must lie in your charting about sessions or the kid gets terminated.
Holy Shit! This is fucking insane. You’re either going to have to keep two sets of records or put your client in mortal danger. If you get caught falsifying records, you lose your job and face potential criminal charges. Does HIPPA still have any meaning? What the fuck? Why aren’t the people of Texas going after Abbot with pitchforks and clubs? What a totally soulless piece of shit.
Why not?
Technically, Ceran is correct: a pogrom is an officially sanctioned racist riot. Canonically against Jews, but I imagine there are a whole lot of things in American which would count as Pogroms against black people.
This isn’t like that… not yet. It’s more like the slow illegalisation of Jewishness itself that led up to the Pogroms.
So, if you’re going to get technical about it, what this post is about is not a Pogrom.
It’s a necessary step towards Pogroms.
If that makes you feel any better about it.
remember. it’s always important to use exactly the right word, and in only its original context, rather than acknowledge why people are using a term and everything that it represents
( sarcasm not directed at you. it’s a sea of lions out there )
i can’t find the link now, but about six months ago there was a woman who quit because she was asked to “investigate” trans kids off the record
presumably, keeping it all on paper is meant to stop people from forwarding it to the press
Yeah, a more succinct answer would have been “You are technically correct, but you are also, in a deeper sense, wrong.”
Would you rather I wait until the public murders start, would that suit your fucking pedantry while my trans friends and family suffer?
Or are you going to come back with a "Well, actually… " because not enough of us are Jewish?
Just “sparkling genocide” I guess.
Hey trans people, good news!!! Your rights may be taken away, you might be assaulted or killed, it might be illegal for teachers to mention your existence and so much more, but “it is not a pogrom”.
We generally think of pogroms as riots that led to mass killings of Jews — and as something from the history books. But when you examine the historical underpinnings of pogroms like the series that swept through Russia in 1881 and 1882, the one that killed more than 400 Jews in Odesa in 1905, and the 1929 Hebron massacre, you can see a pre-social media version of Libs of TikTok’s playbook.
Pogroms are not singular events. Mass violence requires years of priming an audience to believe that a vulnerable minority is in fact an enormous danger to the majority. Early stage pogroms tend to target property. As time passes, those attacks become normalized, and then escalate into genocidal killings.
It’s a hallmark of liberalism, distilled into this thread. We argue and debate over definitions and minutiae while conservatives ignore all that crap and burn the world down.
The fuck it’s not; don’t be a Niemöller, yo.
Welcome to another episode of “The Indigenous People’s Experience”
Exactly my thought
“I wish I could give them zero stars.”
How about this then?
If you want to argue over the correct words, then you are part of the problem. I’m tired of having to be nice to my abusers and their enablers.
Compare with what is happening in your state or country.
“Wait, that person didn’t murder your spouse. It was homicide. Feel better?”
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