Texas televangelist who falsely linked pandemic to premarital sex dies of COVID-19

Pentecostal televangelist who falsely linked the pandemic to sinful premarital sex — the preacher himself has died of COVID-19.

Now now, maybe he just proved his theory! :wink:

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Already boinged.

I know. While it is wrong to take pleasure in the pain of others, the fundie meltdowns when Biden is finally confirmed will be priceless.


Reality is cruel and unyielding to those living in a fantasy world. I have nothing but pity for people who cling to comfortable lies rather than face facts, or (gasp) alter their own views based on new information.

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The pandemic is just the beginning…

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It’s the same trope really: Identify some out-group, then demonise them to help define the in-group.
What none of the idiots who follow these end of the world scam-artists realise is the original Christians thought Jesus would return during their lives, because he said he would.
They also have no clue that The Rapture™ was invented by an Irish weirdo called John Nelson Darby in 1833.
Anyway, of course 95% of brides are not virgins when they’re married, because god invented sex, and she made it fun, so why wait?


Covidcalifornication is one of my favorite RHCP songs.

Not to be confused with RHNB:

It the Science Rapture!

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