Thank you, @docosc

Hip Hip Hooray

Seconded. Or I guess technically twenty-seconded.

Seriously though, @anon29537550, in addition to all the truely invaluable information you’ve taken the time to provide when you must be extremely busy, you’ve also given me a personal sense of centering and resolve to do whatever I can instead of panicking, and my mental well-being thanks you as much as my somatic well-being. I had an appointment with my GP last week, a wonderful doctor, and I told him as I left that I appreciate the work he and other health care providers are doing on the front lines. Now that I think about it, I’m going to send short emails thanking my oncologist and the other health care providers I’ve relied on over the years.

Take care of yourself.




I’m very late to this thread, so I offer a belated thanks via the means of a fuzzy photo of a skipping, flute-playing gent from almost a decade ago.


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