The 265 Republican Congressjerks who just nuked your online privacy sold out for chump change

The man knew what was up, including “the Earth is basically a computer,” or in the trendy way of saying it these days, the world is a “simulation.” :slight_smile:

Edit: Not to mention the notion of an “improbability drive,” which to my weird mind, actually makes sense as the way you would possibly be able to achieve FTL travel.


I didn’t say this vote was a good result. I think it’s the exact opposite. But Cory’s obsessive focus on monetary transactions as the motivating factor behind every bad political outcome is grating, because it denies the possibility that anyone could actually disagree with him in good faith. Sometimes our electeds actually believe in this stupid shit, and that’s why they vote for it.

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The nondualist in me says, both are correct. They really are looking out for their own best interest, and yes, this is what they actually think is their right according to their philosophy, and feel fully justified in such votes.


But 45 and the TGOP would never turn on them!!


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I’m in advertising and sorry to tell you all but you can’t lose something you haven’t/never had. Privacy on the internet? Are you kidding! We have had several presentations from companies that have linked hundreds, perhaps thousands of data points, to a name and address that we can then serve ads to. Congress did us all a favor. They shined a light on the fact that data mining companies rare collecting their most personal information and selling it to ad companies around the world.


Welcome to the BBS!! Please feel free to look around and join in!


Citation needed.


On the plus side, my congresscritter isn’t part of this. On the down side, there’s not a damn thing I can do about any of the rest of these assholes. Closest one to me represents a district that’s too far for me to commute, and is elected by a mix of country club types and yokels.

Where do you think the collected money will go?

“In the meantime, the two biggest campaigns have collectively raised nearly $140,000 for the purchase of web histories that will never go up for sale.”


Donation to ACLU?
Pay off some senators?


This way to the egress.


I remember idiots doing Nazi salutes at gabber parties. The reality is much less cool than your joke.

My dad’s cousin married Al Capone’s niece. I am not making this up, unfortunately. Our Georgia rep, Tom Graves, is spawn of that brood, as is the fired TN rep Zach Wamp. Another branch of the Capones changed their names to Napolitano.

Graves voted for this travesty. Please feel free to do as much as you like to data scrape the entire damned bunch. Georgia’s Windstream is the third-slowest ISP in the nation, and its incursions into our private lives will slow it even more.

I’m using CyberGhost because it was in a Humble Bundle a while back, and Romania’s laws are currently very VPN friendly.

I have just finished setting it up so it’s always on. I figure it’s better to turn it off when sites don’t like it than to only turn it on when you are going to somewhere that will get the spy organisations attention. The extra security when I’m using unsecured WiFi is another advantage.


I agree they’ve been doing it for years – and even before the internet there were mailing lists and so on. That doesn’t make it right, however, and it would be nice to have some laws that not only try to protect privacy but roll back some of the most egregious examples that have happened recently. Formatting all the disks that have my personal information stored on them would be a good start.

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Looking forward to participating!!!


Problem is that the “privacy” horse is already out of the barn…and has left the corral!!! It’s not right at all. But people are sloppy about the Terms & Conditions they agree to and the businesses that have been built on this info (can you say Facebook and Google) have more lobbyists in Washington than most major industries. Cory’s little graphic and commentary are interesting but in the end, useless.The topic is much more complicated but to be concerned about the clowns in congress is to miss the point. It’s the general populace that needs to be alarmed about what’s already been taken from them. This legislation is the end of the line not the beginning of a process. Thnx for the reasonable dialogue.

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Alas we don’t have much choice if we want to do pretty much anything on line that we need to in modern life. Or deal with any big corporation for that matter – Verizon, banks, etc. But I think I agree with your conclusion, although perhaps with enough yelling (like what happened with TrumpCare) Congress will actually do something – if it’s technically possible. Meanwhile I’m looking into VPNs. The first one I tried didn’t work, and I didn’t feel like trying to get it to work. Way beyond my limited skill set!

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Well that there was your first mistake. :wink:

(Always was more into happy hardcore, especially the older pre-jungle breakbeaty type that was more like '93 darkside jungle.)