The $3,000 Cybertruck tent looks like cheap junk compared to the official photos

the service center has to install it, believe it or not. apparently you have to take the trunk apart so that it can fit in there.


I have a bigger, better pop-up tent than Elon’s, that fits nicely into my Ford Fiesta, along with all the rest of the car-camping gear. (I think it’s supposed to fit six very friendly adult Roswell aliens.)


Probably not. It’s likely they’re LED lights using PWM (pulse width modulation) to dim them. The high speed flicker will be invisible to our eyes but video camera shutter produces the effect in that view.


Could depend on how cheap they were too. I’ve noticed the flicker of some LED lights out of the corner of my eye, but not straight on.


Thanks for the reply. It did seem to come and go in the video. I wondered if it was perhaps some feature that cut on in certain circumstances, like when cornering or driving into a shadow or something.


You beat me to it :smile::+1:


The promotional video sounds impressive, if I lent any credence at all to Tesla’s claims, which I don’t. The more they say, the more they open themselves to class action lawsuits.

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That’s a very simple design parameter, one that it seems Tesla couldn’t manage here.

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oh how i wish that were true. i can see the flicker on a lot of lcd tvs ( rainbows everywhere, they look terrible to me ) and these headlights straight up want to murder me irl.

( it’s kind of a competition i guess. will the insane brightness kill me first, or the flicker? i’d say i’ll report back. but, you know. death. )


Sounds like Elon took design ideas from GM in the late 80s - there was a model (Chevy Monza, Buick Skyhawk, etc.) that came with an engine large enough that to change some of the spark plugs you had to pull the engine.

That’s a little exaggerated - you only really had to lift it high enough to get the plugs clear enough to get to them - but not by a whole lot.


He clearly stole the tent off one moldering in someone’s barn:

Bonus: Lemons racer Aztek w/ tent:


It has never been my ambition to sleep in my car.


That’s at least a cool sort of ugly. That would go great with some Jetson’s cosplay.

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I’ve never really been a huge fan of vehicle rooftop tents (way too expensive for what you get) but I can understand why they might appeal to a lot of people. For most of them you just pull your car into the site, flip the thing open and lower the ladder, and the job is done:

This Tesla tent, on the other hand, looks much more complicated to erect and even includes stakes and poles for the canopy:

Once you’ve added tent stakes to the equation, there’s not really any advantage over just using a stand-alone tent. To the contrary- with a stand alone tent you can hop in your vehicle for a quick trip to pick up ice at the camp store or drive to a tralhead for a day hike without packing up your whole site first.

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