The best Joker is the woman Joker who snaps after a lifetime of being told to "smile, baby" by shitty men

Oops I accidentally hit the Male option. Sorry, new phone is very sensitive.


I did the same but had s chance to undo.

And it’s not just strangers. Co-workers, acquaintances, family… It doesn’t matter who does it, it’s telling you to perform for the sake of their comfort and fuck yours.


Look, why on earth not? That’s a great origin story! And the glory of comics is you get to try everything with archtypes. If it doesn’t work you wipe it away like the sequential art etch-a-sketch that comics are.

These are shared, experimental characters in the absolute best way.

And recognize, I am saying this as a guy who thinks that intersectional feminism has come off the rails. But it doesn’t enter into this at all. That story could be pedantic and terrible, or it could be brilliant and fresh and open up new vistas. Just like any other story.

But I want the comic that goes with that illustration and idea because it could be great.

I’ve had men tell me to smile in online text conversations where they can’t even see my face.


A lot of lawsuits in your workplace then?


I only tell people to smile with my best imitation of Ricardo Montalban while offering up rum concoctions.



I just specified “strangers” because I have had bosses ask me to smile while I was working customer service jobs when I was young but I don’t think that should be counted the same way.


I once had a female bar patron cajole me to “smile” while I was simultaneously serving drinks and wading foot deep in syrup from the broken soda fountain machine, during the height of Carnivale in the Caribbean.

She was being a dick, because she thought she could.

IIRC I’m pretty sure I actually bared my teeth and hissed at her like a cat in response.


I don’t know your experiences, but do know that I walk alone at night, take stairs routinely in a strange building, go into dark parking lots alone, and can hike alone in relative safety. But I have female friends who don’t do those things, and have been assaulted doing most of those things. Men can certainly be assholes to other men, and women can be assholes to women, and some women are likely a danger to me but the threat level of men to women is much higher. I know more women who ended up in emergency rooms due to men’s violence than I know men who ended up their from violence. YMMV, but perhaps your experiences are just a popular “meme” unrepresentative of real life.


intersectional feminism doesn’t remember asking for your opinion of it


I’m not even touching that one. Nopetopus.gif.


people would like intersectional feminism better if it smiled more


I thought that intersectional feminisms point was to derail some things and people that have been given the privilege of sliding down greased rails for quite some time. If it’s upsetting the born on greased rails type of guys - more power to it!


intersectional feminism would get more respect at work if it did something different with its hair


Sounds like you have a problem with the men you work with.


Still better than a cocktopus;


Boss to a customer service representative is a bit different. Then, you are literally being paid to smile.

I have been told to smile while working a damn photocopier. Big difference.


My gut reaction is “making a psychotic serial killer who’s killed probably hundreds of people, including children, into a woman isn’t really a good thing”. I suppose “women can be murderers too” is a progressive message in a way, but in reality it seems like men are the ones who do the vast majority of harmful things to others and to the planet, so “woman reacts to horrible men by becoming even more horrible monster” seems like it undermines the strength and resilience women show every day.

Then I remind myself that this is a comic book universe and the characters are more meant to explore ideas and aspects of society than to be literal interpretations. In that sense, I think it could work great if written well. Besides, it’s not like mass-murdering female supervillains don’t already exist in that context, so why not? I also don’t agree with the “don’t re-write old characters” nonsense. Elseworlds and other alternative explorations of characters are fun! Make a female Joker, or a robot Joker, or a male Poison Ivy, or combine two characters into one, or whatever, as long as you have something fun or thought-provoking to do with them once they’ve been created.


Fragile white phone tears?