The Biden Administration. Document the atrocities - Praise the graces

He’s just coasting on that sweet Jeff Bezos money. Gott kicked out of his own nonprofit too.


I hope this is the right thread…

Yes, I would rather someone else be in the running, but I fully support Biden; not because he is the “lesser of two evils”, but because he’s NOT A FUCKING NAZI! Vote for the person who isn’t a Nazi!

Still, I try to keep a stiff upper lip, but I admit it’s becoming difficult to not be disheartened by the news. I’ve even come to avoid certain BBS topics just because I can’t bear to read it.

Thoughts? Ideas?


Here’s an atrocity the right has been angry about since the day before yesterday.

A coworker posted this yesterday, I didn’t quite understand so I googled it. Apparently it started showing up two days ago but nobody can explain wtf it’s referencing.

They just know they’re very mad about it because something something Biden hates the military.


My wife asked me about this yesterday. The evacuation of Saigon happened in 1975. End of April. 49 years ago. It was a debacle, as was the whole Viet Nam not-a-war. Not something to celebrate. As for what happened 4 years later? (45th annivetsary of… what now?) No clue.


So they’re upset with Trump for ignoring it and playing golf that day?


Boomers recycle memes a lot. I see this float across my Facebook feed every few months. Sometimes the number of years on the meme changes, but most of the times, they just reshare this without any context or knowledge about what it’s referencing. The first time I saw it from a friend, I commented with a gentle correction. But it hasn’t stopped the behavior. She just constantly reposts all kinds of shit without any care taken to make sure any of it is true, or even to understand the context. What’s funny about this particular friend is she voted for Trump in 2016 but has since turned against him, so she’s now equally likely to post far left stuff, but still without context or fact checking, as she is far right stuff, with the exception that she doesn’t reshare things that are directly pro Trump. Her boyfriend is also a boomer, but he’s a union guy and he’s been a hardcore leftist for decades. I’d like to think he’s been a good influence on her, but probably only when it comes to Trump.


Everyone reshares memes a lot. That’s what makes them memes.


Young Sheldon GIF by CBS


45 years ago would be 1979? Perhaps a reference to the Sino-Vietnamese war (but I doubt it)


No, I looked into it the first time I saw it. It originally referenced the fall of Saigon. But because nothing on the meme itself mentions that or the date or the year, people keep resharing it and it goes viral again a couple of times every year.


Gee, what happened to the right-wing policy of “No participation trophies”.


The best kind of disinformation/misinformation to use for propaganda, identifying targets for scams, or even just account farming is devoid of actual history (impossible to fact check) but feels plausible enough to pass a vibe check.


Tv Show Comedy GIF by HULU


This can help a lot of people.


“Determined Biden dismisses calls to drop out of race”


He warned that the US president either “has to win overwhelmingly, or he has to pass the torch to someone who can”.

Well, it’s a fuck lot harder to win, Rep. Schiff with high profiles democrats shouting how he’s too old… how about do your part and help him WIN overwhelmingly… :woman_shrugging:


They’re certainly not helping him WIN the election.

And - again- who said they could choose the candidate without us voting for them?


I know you’re not really looking for an answer to this, but party rules since there were parties. And brokered conventions were pretty common til the 50s.

Obviously I will support the Democratic ticket no matter what, but would I be sad if Kamala Harris were the nominee and then president? No, of course not, and I think she’d be great. And as a candidate, I think she’d really be able to prosecute the case against Trump in a way that Biden has been having trouble with.

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Brokered conventions happen when no candidate has enough elected delegates to win. That’s certainly an appropriate action when that occurs.

This is happening because big donors are being given a veto over the voters in the primaries. The Democrats should consider changing their name to the unelected oligarchs party.

I’ve been a delegate.


I don’t see that that’s the case, I think that voters are finally having their opinions weighed. This whole primary voters were passed over by deliberately not giving them a choice. The primary order was changed to give Biden his strongest states first, and viable candidates were heavily discouraged from running. People who might have wanted Harris or Whitmer or whoever weren’t given that choice, and it’s not because those people don’t want to be president (like Michelle Obama…), it’s because Biden himself decided he was the only one who could defeat Trump.

Now finally people are noticing that the needle against Trump keeps slipping and slipping, and they’re finally getting scared.

We know that Biden deserves to win a billion times over, but repeating that doesn’t matter, the reality is that voters seem to be increasingly turned off of him. And saying that the naysayers are the ones causing the voters to turn off him is ridiculous, they’ve been turned off him for the past two years but everyone’s just been in denial about it.

(And I don’t buy that it’s only an artifact of polling. Through my kids and teaching connections, etc, I know a ton of Gen Zers, and as a whole they are very unethusiastic about Biden [though I strenuously push them to vote and to help GOTV].There are a bunch of other proxies besides polling as well, like donations, voter registration, etc, that shows that this doesn’t just seem to be an error.)