The "Blacks for Trump" guy used to be in a murder cult

I wonder if he’s still gonna vote for him after that.


I read that he’s voting for Johnson now


I don’t see anything on there beyond the usual intercessory prayer stuff. They usually wouldn’t claim someone in the U.S. was a witch but in terms of the practices, it looks pretty standard to what intercessors would practice in the U.S. (and elsewhere, I’d assume but I’m struggling to think if I’ve met any intercessors who weren’t from the U.S.).

(Point being, intercessors and intercessor related Christians don’t consider the practice a form of witchcraft.)

Oh, it’s much more complicated than that. Here’s an article on “The Global Apostolic Prayer Network”, and “New Apostolic Reformation”, of which Thomas Muthee is a part. They’re actually doing some very interesting things, (psychologically speaking), but not always for the betterment of mankind.

Not exactly on topic (:sweat:) but what you linked is pretty much exactly what I was involved in as a teen.


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