The butter "Stick Type" looks like a glue stick filled with butter

We just do this with a regular stick of butter. Just peel the paper back, and rub the ned on your bread!

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came to post this

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Side note… I have begun placing a butter pat on my pancakes after the flip and before they come off the grill. I’m pretty sure I’m a genius.


After toasting bread in the toaster oven, put a refrigerated pat on top and leave in the warm toaster oven for 30 sec. Soft butter ready to spread.


Or get a butter bell-I’ve loved mine for over a decade

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Yeah, no. Can’t stand the noise.

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We got a butter bell as a present and 15 years later it remains one of our most beloved and used kitchen utensils. Keeps the butter always soft and fresh and ready for using.

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That’s the dumbest, most useless thing I’ve ever seen. If you can’t butter toast with a knife, I feel sorry for you.

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