The chumbox's favorite vegetable-hating doctor tracked down

Oh nooooooo. Cruncher beware

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Yeah, I really should knock off my pork scratchings habit as well, but… pork scratchings…

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here you go

I’m kinda disappointed that he didn’t attend Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.


Is corn even really a vegetable though?

We consider it a grain in my household (because you don’t eat the green bits, only the carb laden seeds).

That being said, I love corn. Tortillas… Tamales… Corn on the cob with butter and Tajin… Droool…

Spotted just now on boingboing’s ads. Yeah I guess if you bought an earthworm thinking it was a vegetable you might wanna throw it out. Preferably in some nice wet soil where it will be happy.


related: I love boingboing, but considering their political progressiveness and outspokenness on internet issues, i find it a bit annoying that they are using this revcontent thing that spews a bunch of the worst spammy garbage clickbait ads… like the gut doctor thing above or stuff like this:

i mean, i get that you need ads to help pay for a service… but aren’t there better choices out there for ad services that aren’t so crappy? i really don’t know how this stuff works… im sure they don’t have specific control over ads, but at least this revcontent service seems to be nothing but clickbait spam.


As long as you’re not affiliated with the Children of the Corn we’re good.



I beg americans to throw out this vegetable

really really begging


“…the vegetable in question is clearly the God Emperor of Dune at the point of His death, glistening sandtrout exploding from His appalling body, joining Hwi Noree in the banquet of the Gods.”

I’d like to pick up the ball here and suggest that Dr. Vincent Pedre is obviously a Suk doctor who has had his Imperial conditioning broken.


My neighbour grows sweet corn. Every now and again they pass a few ears over the fence for us. Sweetest sweet corn I have ever tasted.

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Don’t bother clicking. It was me. I ruined Meg Ryan’s career.


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