The Church of the Subgenius's Salvation Pack is the best $35 I ever spent

I actually was married by an ordained ULC/Subgenius minister. Unfortunately I had a crisis of faith and jumped to the Church of Fred Mertz, Bhoddisatva.


Many a truth is said in jest, which I think partly explains the enduring popularity of the joke.


Stang here. This is an unusually busy week for us. Or month, probably. Besides prepping for X-Day, we’re striving mightily to fill an unprecedented flood of Membership orders — hundreds, literally, all resulting from Rev. Doctorow’s wonderful review. We had to reprint “Memb-Packs” 6 months early, and will be assembling and mailing them for at least a week. It actually DOUBLED our usual annual sales. THANKS!!! Once again my financial ass is saved by a boing-boing post. INCIDENTALLY: Sandy Boone’s feature-length documentary film, “J. R. “Bob” Dobbs and the Church of the SubGenius,” has been doing great in film festivals, and has been fully approved by all the old SubGenius “Doktors” who have seen it. (And BOY was THAT a relief!) Sandy did a great job of encapsulating something that’s really hard to even describe.


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