Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/12/13/the-cinematic-universe-of-mela.html
She married the dragon, thinking only of the gold and gemstones in his hoard. But she was too stupid and short-sighted to realise that she’d end up living in a gloomy cave, her only visitors the endless stream of angry knights arriving in response to her arsehole husband’s latest and needless scorched-earth raid.
“I was a call girl from a far away land, now I’m a Be Best princess of cold dead sparkly things.”
Kill Me a new Xmas feel good family friendly film by Quentin Tarantino.
that’s probably about the millionth time she’s had that thought.
A dragon is an at least somewhat impressive creature. She married a pathetic ignorant narcissist. And it’s not that this was not totally obvious 20 years ago.
If she offers you Turkish Delights, fucking run the other way!
Be bested
“White Christmas”
There, we can all go home now.
dub not working
Trump is still pissed that he’s never been invited to those pretentious New York society orgies where everyone wears Venetian carnival masks.
Well, at the very least she didn’t go with those hideous blood red trees again, so there’s that.
The real tragedy here is the terrible lighting and lack of color correction on these videos. She looks jaundiced. I guess we shouldn’t expect the amateurs in the White House to hire anyone who actually knows what they’re doing.
It was the “Be Best” ornament that really got me. I mean, sure fighting cyberbullying is theoretically the type of feel-good cause that a First Lady would get behind under normal circumstances but how is she still trying to be taken seriously with that cause given her husband’s daily behavior? Just yesterday he went after a 16-year-old girl on Twitter, for Chrissakes.
Creepy. Especially since she actually has a child she could share this with. Or is this one of those Reptile People things? Would explain a lot.
Yes. She could have gone with a Hallmarky pastiche of her and Baron, decorating the tree, eating cookies, opening presents… but instead she chooses to wander the halls all alone. It’s a strange choice.
Edit: Ninja’d by @GulliverFoyle! But I’d suggest adding McMutton wrappers on those sheep for the full effect.
I rather liked the red trees. It looked like the red queen is just around the corner, screaming “off with her head!”. But I don’t care much for Christmas anyway.
Put the Saturn back in Saturnalia