The coming conservative "civil war" is going to be weird

Some of this is no doubt the realization that Trump is unlikely to win, and now the apparatchiks are wondering how many places are left on the lifeboats. Some of it may also be the realization that there has been no “general election pivot.” Despite every effort of those who would moderate his message he keeps going on full bore. It doesn’t look like being a Cheny-esque “Trump Whisperer” is going to be easy or even possible.


I must be misinterpreting what you said in your original reply to me.

I was pointing out the pitfalls of bad categorization, and I thought you were saying “no, they really ARE like that, so it’s not a bad category.”

Apologies for the misunderstanding!


I hate to break it to you Donald, but if you were a character from “Django Unchained” you wouldn’t be the hero. You’d be a much less classy version of Leonardo DiCaprio’s character.


Mind you, our actual government, who are in charge (apparently) seriously bruited the idea of forcing companies to disclose how many ‘foreigners’ they had working for them.


I suppose it’s too much to hope that there’s a skilled, independent documentary filmmaker with behind-the-scenes access to the campaign. That kind of access would be consistent with Trump’s megalomania, but would he allow it without exerting control over the contents, POV, etc.? That seems sadly unlikely. Like most people I’ve seen enough Trump for a lifetime, but that would still be one hell of a film.


Maybe a Citizen Kane remake but the surprise twist is that “Pussy” was the name of his sled all along.


Nicely done! That one’s new to me:

EDIT: But do we have any sort of political fault lines? Is it the “fiscal conservatives” getting ticked off at the “evangelicals”, or what? I’m curious how they’d split, but I’m assuming it would be along political lines, and not via some other method of organization. Is the 2017 GOP nothing but dudes grabbing each other’s dicks and not paying their taxes?

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Someone needs to ask Trump why he allowed himself to be shackled… I’m sure his answer will be entertaining.


Let’s see how it works…

“Mr. Trump was a man who got everything he wanted and then lost it. Maybe Pussy was something he couldn’t get, or something he lost. Anyway, it wouldn’t have explained anything… I don’t think any word can explain a man’s life. No, I guess Pussy is just a… piece in a jigsaw puzzle… a missing piece…”

Hmmm…not really seeing it. I think the sled being named “Class” or “Integrity” or maybe “A Sliver of Humanity” in the remake would work a lot better.


But the group in this case is not any one religion, gender, minority, or nation. I think what we are really talking about is racism, sexism, religious bigotry, and greed. Believing these things is a personal choice, and deserves to be reviled. In today’s political sphere, these traits are highly correlated with conservative politicians, and the people who support them. Thus “conservatism” can be used as a simplification.



It’s too bad they can’t find it in them to do it willingly, like from, I don’t know, some kind of moral standpoint. Oh well.


Not sure how that’s actually any different from the 2016 GOP…


Great bumper sticker!
Funny, I haven’t seen many recently. A trump sticker on a pickup, and a few HRC’s but that’s it.


As long as you are comfortable with reviling people who aren’t any of the things you are objecting to, then yes.


I’m genuinely sorry I insulted you. I meant only to revile people who were sexist/racist/what I said. Categorizations help us understand things, but they can be evil things, and I tend to use them from time to time. Quite often badly.


He can now grab America by the pussy?

ETA: Alas looks like @Vert already beat me to this particular joke. :frowning:

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Wow, what a graceful apology.

I hope to be so considerate the next time I catch myself making a commonplace rhetorical error!

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As if either side even has a chance… Why do they think that we have been experimenting with chemtrails and HAARP all these years?
The New World Order is Nigh Upon US!


TRUMP 2016: I treat everybody like family.


I’ve never thought of Stephen King as prophetic (thank god), but his politician character in The Dead Zone has Trump pretty much nailed.