The complicated psychology and behavioral economics of a beautiful, $700 coffee-dripper

That ROK is a thing of beauty and I just added to my wishlist! Wow, this is built exactly how i’d want it to be built!

Oh good. Then everyone will hate the Polish! I feel better. :smiley:

I have one of those! I think I even have some wiring harnesses from old ballistic missiles, that are actually braided in strange and complex patterns.

Edit: Maybe we can use them on @japhroaig’s three-phase samovar. He’s going to need a lot of wire for those tesla coils.


You do? I am so very, very jealous.

This is the best advice, even simple things like a desk lamp or a radio take on special significance if you had a hand in shaping them:


People who look at expensive things and instantly refrain to a “fuck the rich” mentality have an off-base understanding of economics. A dollar spent does not blip into the aether. It goes from one party to another, and ideally another, and another, and on and on. This is a GOOD thing. We should find as many ways to compel rich people to part with their wealth as possible. The problem is that the wealthy ACCUMULATE wealth. That means money they DON’T spend, which means it does NOT flow into the economy at large.


Yeah. And 700 bucks isn’t much in the grande scheme o things. Maybe domicile art is only getting REALLY smug when someone has a piece on display that you actually recognize from elsewhere. “Wait, that’s the actual painting?!”


I see what you did there.

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Multifunctional art:

It makes coffee. Or ethanol. Or vinegar. Or really anything that you’d make with a distiller.


That condensor and ‘column’ is silly.


It’s easier to take apart and reconfigure for other uses than that soldered copper beauty you got there.


Notice the sanitary clamps :smile:

But I know nothing about fractioning compounds. Nope nope nope.

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I just like lab glassware. I’ve been meaning to buy some for the kitchen. It’d be nice to be able to use european recipes without bothering to do conversions. Not that conversions are some huge burden, but it’d make it easier, and therefore more likely for me to even use them.


Gold Blend is much better than the red stuff, doesn’t taste so much like… regret.

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Small french press.


Poster for movie about caffeine addiction that David Cronenberg and H. R. Giger didn’t quite make?

Welcome your new insect overlords and never sleep again!


First, it locks it’s many strong legs around the victim’s head and neck, securing it in place. To remove it by force is to die. Then it lowers it’s sucking proboscis onto the victim’s skull, puncturing the bone like a cranial needle, to suck out the brain of its victim.

ETA: or you could go the other way, and have it puncture the skull with an ovipositor or something, and lay it’s eggs in the victim’s brain. That’s pretty good horror material too.

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So, it’s like making a horcrux?


Shoulda stuck with real coffee, with freshly ground beans and clean water. That shade of lipstick doesn’t quite suit him, and that leather jacket is a trainwreck.

Tou-tou-tou-tou-tou-tou-touch beans, I want you to touuuucch beeeeeeans!

I feel like a real degenerate for even posting this, but there’s this “coffee” that’s supposed to be “healthy” and “good” (read: immune-boosting) for us. Please excuse all the ironic quotes but I’ve used them for a reason: I’ve read the ingredients list on these Asian mushroom instant coffee packets, and there are definitely dehydrated solids of the same stuff in General Food International Coffee Drink mixes, which ain’t exactly health food.,

(NB: A lot of online sellers are multilevel marketing gigs. Heads up.)

If you are in a city with a significant Asian population that drives business at a large-ish Asian grocery store, you can probably find a big ol’ bag of the packets in the coffee aisle. Useful under certain constraints/condition. I have had it. It’s not bad in a pinch/if yer desperate/you have 3 hours left to drive on a long road trip that’s already behind schedule.

I’d much rather spend my money on high-quality, delicious coffee beans than the thingy that makes the beans into coffee. I’ve pretty much nailed down the [cold] brewing angle for optimal taste, and it involves freshly ground beans, a 1-quart mason jar, and the extremely calcium-rich water from our well.