Originally published at: This "danger triangle" is no laughing matter | Boing Boing
Remember kids, Traingle rhymes with paingle.
The title of the post, the danger “traingle”, is even worse than the danger triangle, as this occurs when you’re lying down on train tracks and a train is coming right for your head. Of course I’m curious about how autocorrect didn’t catch this, is a “traingle” a real thing? Is it something that comes up often for Popkin and they have it flagged as a correctly spelled word?
I first heard of this in my early 30s when I had a blind pimple (pimple below the surface of the skin) on my eyebrow, right next to my nose, get infected and my eye swelled shut. I went to the doc, they lanced it, it was horrible, then 2 weeks of antibiotics to make sure it didn’t sure spread. It was the doc who told me about the "danger triangle.
Brain fog on the other hand….
Weird that the “surrounding area” of the nose doesn’t include anything to the sides. If your nose is wider than the one in the picture, is only part of it in the triangle?
Danger Traingle is my new goto hero.
“Danger Traingle and the Temple of Mood” Season 1 dropping soon.
I don’t want to be obtuse, but my danger triangle is pretty acute.
Yep, definitely don’t want one of those on your face, and if one is there, be careful!
I assume it’s because it doesn’t have anything to do with the external shape of the nose, but the the ophthalmic veins, which basically run the inside of the cheek from the corners of the eyes towards the corners of the mouth.
Isosceles what you did there.
This is the reason you shouldn’t pop your pimples in that area (actually you should not pop them anywhere, but in the danger triangle the risk of spreading the infection is worse)
The danger pentagram would cover that situation.
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