Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/03/the-diaper-don-phenomenon-magas-rally-for-vonshitzinpants.html
So it’s true then – nothing whatsover that’s revealed about Tromp, as with nothing whatsover he says, will ever turn these people against him.
These folks have been very clear: if he brands it, they will drink the kool-aide.
His final fucking grift is going to be selling Trump-branded “Flavor-Aid.”
In the future his relics, poop in mason jars with gold lids, will be sold on QVC and local Dollar Stores.
Why does that asshole look like Bobby Hill on the big flag? Bobby Hill wouldn’t vote for Trump.
Somehow, I suspect Don is not very thrilled at this turn of events, even though they’re on his side.
No, incontinence.
And also incompetence. /silly, sarcasm
Can you imagine having some medical problem where you need to wear diapers, which is bad enough in itself, but then also having racists tell you that’s awesome because their disgusting idiot hero does too.
Tell me this is a joke.
By calling attention to trump’s other common trait, his apparent court room narcolepsy, they could turn MAGA rallies into diaper wearing sleep overs.
That’s probably pretty close to some random PornHub sex category common to Red State browser diets.

Tell me this is a joke.
Well, it Depends…
I mean, it’s looking for a silver lining on the very dark cloud that is “approximately half of the voters in the US think this man should be president again,” but… this is kind of an awesome development.
- I can’t see “our candidate wears adult diapers and we think that’s awesome” making anyone who feels marginal about voting for Trump feel better about him, so maybe it will turn a few of them off.
- More importantly: it’s going to drive Trump up the wall. Yes, it’s pro-Trump, and it means that his supporters will support him unconditionally. That’s good for him, in an absolute sense. But making his diaper wearing very public and the topic of conversation is going to bruise his ego hard. And as much as I shouldn’t take joy in the misery of any other human being… I’m going to have to make an exception for that.

His final fucking grift is going to be selling Trump-branded “Flavor-Aid.”
That Flavor-Aid will come with a standard Last Will and Testament so you can sign everything over to the cult organization.
I’m really curious how this diaper thing will play to younger voters.
This is the kind of thing where my first impression is that someone’s pranking MAGA world.
Then I find out the prank has been adopted by MAGA as the real deal.
Like, "HA ha, you stupid libtard groomers, I’m shitting my pants right now!!"
Rumor has it that he’s looking so thin these days because he’s been riding the Ozempic Express, which is well known to cause severe GI issues. Maybe that’s why…
Von Shitshispants is not a friendly nickname. MAGA delusion is so strong. I thought perhaps the Joe Rogan fan types might be turned off by this turn of events, but no, they are embracing it.
As for me, I feel bad for making fun of Trump this way.
However, Von Shitshispants is now my go-to sobriquet for Trump.
Yes. This is their edition of Dark Brandon only shittier.
I’ll take your word on that, Turd!