The DOJ is reportedly investigating whether Rep. Matt Gaetz raped a 17-year-old and violated sex trafficking laws

Earlier today there was speculation online that Gaetzwad* was stepping down to take a job as a talking (giant) head. The truth may be more complicated.

ETA, the story broke here:

First, it’s not “sexual relations.” IT. IS. RAPE. The age of consent in Florida is 18. The child can be 16 or 17 if the other person is 23 or younger. Gaetzwad would have been 36 or 37. It’s rape.

I hope the child in OK.

I hope Gaetzwad burns.

  • I fumble-fingered “Gaetz was” on my iPad. Honestly, I like Gaetzwad much better. I hope it gains traction.

23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz investigated over relationship with 17 year old girl