The failed presidential campaign of Ted Cruz is like the fight to end slavery, says Heidi Cruz

If Cruz’s presidential campaign is like the fight to end slavery, then presumably it’s also going to involve thousands of deaths as well.

Zodiac killer confirmed.



Do they get the “separation of Church and State” thing?

Cmon, he was just picking a random event in history with a known duration of time. Just like when Cruz and Huckabee randomly compared the bravery of Kim Davis, anti-marriage equality court clerk, to that of Rosa Parks.

They’re not comparing them. They’re just comparing them.



And they’ve spent their entire careers attempting to destroy it.

Cruz is a straight-up theocrat; American Ayatollah. Compared to Cruz, Trump is a sane and safe option.


Can God make a stone so heavy she can’t lift it? Can God create something she doesn’t understand? Can she make Cruz electable?
Well, God could always start by giving Heidi Cruz some self-awareness. That at least is within the bounds of possibility.

The funny thing is that in Iran, where they actually have a theocracy, they also have an elected President. Who, currently, isn’t a theocrat.


Jeebus! I’m scared!


Only in America could a candidate for the highest political office have a ‘National Prayer Team’ and not expect to be laughed into last place.


I’d bet that would also seem perfectly normal in Iran…

Completely agree.

Islam is a schism of Christianity, as are the Mormons. And Christianity is a schism of Judaism. The difference between the other three and Judaism is that whereas ten Jews is a minyan, any smaller or larger number is a theological argument. The idea of submission to a divinely appointed ruler is strong in the other three. (In monasteries, for instance, an abbot was selected or imposed and monks were to obey him completely. And European kings were convinced that they ruled by Divine right. Luther’s rebellion didn’t extend any further than telling the peasants that it was right they should be killed if they rebelled against their (God-appointed) rulers.)

It looks to me as if the return of militant Islam in the ME (if it ever went away) has resulted in a corresponding return of militant Christianity in the US. They feed off one another. The only way to damp down militant Islam has, historically, been by containment and by support of secularising governments. Getting rid of Qaddhafi and Hussein and trying to get rid of Assad haven’t worked terribly well. But in return the US needs to contain its own crazies and support secularism.
That will only really happen on the day when the voters demand to know which candidate is the least religious, though.


It’s ok, apparently he is the head of the Freedom Party and that couldn’t be a racist thing as it has the word freedom on the tin.

Worse, a modern-day reenactment of ancient literature that was a coded criticism of the government 2000 years ago cloaked in apocalyptic imagery. What’s the worst that could happen?


I’ve gotta’ think that nobody likes this guy has something to do with it as well.

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To be fair, the republican primary boiled down to “what’s your favourite brand of crazy?”


Nowadays we have contractors to provide the shooting war, biowarfare and germ warfare. So we should put war, plague and famine out to tender. Hopefully this means that they’ll never work as per spec.


Who hasn’t heard it said that there is someone for everybody?
Who actually believed it?




Well, if the Cruz camp can make pronouncements like this from the safety of their little echo-chamber, I will just keep on spreading this equally truthful (to me) little link:

Misperceiving Bullshit as Profound Is Associated with Favorable Views of Cruz, Rubio, Trump and Conservatism

Maybe it even explains why they would try to relate “Satan in the flesh” Ted’s unpopularity to something generally agreed to be good like, the abolition of slavery… Just more BULLSHIT.

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They’re just drawing parallels between aspects of two things in order to imply one is very much like the other. Totally different!


I’m often struck by how these fundamentalists don’t seem to believe in the sin of pride.

Because they really are some vain motherfuckers with seriously inflated opinions of their shitty little selves.