The first woman Doctor Who to be commemorated with a limited-edition Barbie

If you are in the US you can pre-order it from HotTopic®-doctor-who-thirteenth-doctor-with-sonic-screwdriver-collector-doll/11520071.html
or the BBC Shop (looks like its 2 cents cheaper but have to pay shipping)

Y’know, I’m not much for Sci-Fi collectibles, but I would buy the hell out of that!


Don’t think that works if you’re outside Britain. They’ve gotten good at detecting VPNs.

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Okay, it’s just a replaced head, but they really did do a pretty good job on the Barbified face appearance and shape. I’d like one with swappable heads, though. Some of those scowls of concentration and alarm in the S11 premier were truly epic. I mean, early Jim Carrey levels of facial contortion, for just a few seconds here and there. No self consciousness or worry about dignity or being “pretty,” whatever that means.

I may be making too much of it, just by writing it down here, but I hope that kind of openness stays around and doesn’t disappear mid-arc. We’ve had enough of severe, inscrutable masks mixed with delayed midlife crisis shenanigans (I’m looking at YOU number 12). Will be a nice change to have a Doctor comfortable in her own skin.

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It’s not about the quality, it’s…why does she gotta be a Barbie doll? Action figure? Totally supportive of that because collectibles are fuuuuun. Barbie is…well, Barbie. And it makes me sad and roll my eyes.

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I dunno… Barbie has been everything from a Cheerleader to a Doctor to an Astronaut. So why not a Timelord?

It may no be up every Whovians alley, but I bet there is some cross pollination among young girls who like Barbie and Doctor Who.


…'cause you can hold a mouse like a gun too I bet. :slight_smile:

Works with cats, so…

Now Scully can do the Bechdel test.



Meh on Barbie, but YEAH on Doctor Who.

I thoroughly enjoyed Jodie Whitaker’s first ep as the “13th” Doctor.

(Though I’m seriously agged that they still ‘don’t count’ the War Doctor.)


I mean, do any of you lot maybe think this is possibly aimed at young girls who don’t watch Dr. Who and might get into it via a new Barbie doll? I’m unsure why that would be a bad thing?

No spoilers, but I’ve been hearing positive things so far! I’m looking forward to watching it when the DVD comes out.


Egads, that’s a long time to wait.


Meh, no biggie… It’s usually around Novemberish when they release them on DVD.

[ETA] Looks like it’s not out until late January 2019, which still isn’t too bad. And Discovery season one is out on DVD in November… Still have the first season of Legion, plus a bunch of stuff on streaming to watch as well (last season of 100, Orange is the New Black’s last season)…


While you wait, if you haven’t seen the movie from the gif I linked above, do so, it is great.

I started watching the show last night on BBC in America because I temporarily have access. They managed to stretch it out to 2 hours by surrounding it with commercials and special live feature stuff, which I couldn’t take, so I had to turn it off. DVD lets you watch sans commercials. (Amazon has the streams for around $3/episode, which isn’t too bad.)

She’s good in the role, though is channeling the Tennant Doctor a bit. When she’s more comfortable in her own voice she’ll be great.


I thought she was a little more Capaldi than Tennant, perhaps a little of the Matt Smith irreverence, but I agree, I think she’ll be awesome as the show goes on. I’m really looking forward to this series.


As a limited edition retailing for $50.00? No, I really don’t.

To my (admittedly crabby) mind, it’s an expensive nerd trophy cynically seeking to milk a demographic that has been denied for years with a poorly-crafted sop, and doing it badly. Can’t wait for the “The New Doctor is a LADY™”-brand lingerie and perfume, as well. Maybe a TARDIS Cuisinart?

Bet you a jelly baby all the basic t-shirt sizing will remain male-exclusive, since examining the gender discrimination inherent in existing geek merch design is much harder than adding a bunch of new, high-price and limited-offer “feminine” products.


I thought her performance was a nice combination of the two, which works for me, as Doctors #10 & #12 are my favorites.


I’m not familiar enough with non-4th Doctor canon to understand this.

(Upon reflection, I’m probably not familiar with any of the Doctors, beyond the fact that I need to watch more.)


Yeah, I have to wait until this stuff comes out on Amazon Prime and it’s going to kill me.



I’m not sure I’m “Whovian” or ‘Wholigan’ enough to explain it sufficiently but here goes:

Via a retcon by Stephen Moffat, The 8th Doctor made an active choice to take up arms and become a warrior in the oft-mentioned Time War; in doing so, there was another regeneration followed by a period of time when he’d forsaken the title ‘Doctor’ (because doctors are supposed to heal not kill.)

The Doctors who came after ‘the War Doctor’ hold him in disdain because his solution for finally ending the Time War also destroyed Gallifrey (or at least, that’s what they believed.)

There’s whole lot of timey-whimey stuff that happens thereafter, including an ep where three different versions of the Doctor all meet face to face, but the short version is that the count of ‘Doctors’ is always off by one, because of the existence of the War Doctor, played wonderfully by Sir John Hurt.


I would dare say a stronger word than “wonderfully” is needed here but I agree with the sentiment.