The funniest rebuttal to the vegetarian argument

I didn’t mean this in a malicious way. Nor was this post intended to troll or rile people up.

I honestly just wrote the whole thing as a gag. That’s why I ended it with a self deprecating jab at myself.

I linked to a comedy sketch, none of this should be taken as gospel. If I offended anyone I’m sorry.

I didn’t think this would be an issue that made peole feel so strongly. Again, I’m sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings in the process. I had no idea people felt this strongly about vegetarian causes.

Also, I don’t walk around trolling people in real life. It was just hyperbole and exaggeration about the few times I encounter strangers with an equally weird sense of humor. I dont mock or bully random people. Who honestly has time for that? I suppose trolling has a more negative connotation than I realized. I’ll chalk that up to poor diction on my part. I should have used a less polarizing word.

Anyway, if I was douche. My bad. I own many a bad take and dumb thoughts. Please know that this was in jest, hence the comedy video.


I’m just not down with that, tricking other people for one’s personal enjoyment.

I’ve grown more sensitive to this issue over the years. I generally no longer find “pranks” funny. Maybe that comes with those urges to yell at kids to get off my lawn? Dunno.


i don’t eat meat, and i thought it was funny. i almost didn’t click to watch because at first i thought it was meant seriously, a quick re-read and i realized it was a comedy thing.

it doesn’t present any arguments that it means seriously, if anything i think it pokes fun at meat eater’s arguments

also very little if you are the meal.


In my circle of high school friends, his name was Johnny. He wasn’t even a Vegan, or a vegetarian, he just liked to try and encourage people to think about the ethics of food.

Indeed, I can think of very few vegans/vegetarians I have met in my life which match the right wing stereotype of the annoying judgmental veggie hippie.


The anti-vegan sentiment is even broader. Regardless of political orientation, a lot of meaties are quick to spew jokes and gripes that reiterate the lazy stereotype of the vegan who won’t shut up about whats wrong with meat consumption. It happens in bbs threads pretty much whenever veganism gets mentioned.


The sketch could be seen as gallows humor, or hyperbole, the bit about animals performing secretarial work. Going further, I think the heart of it is, why subjugate them into any use at all? If a pig were to take up secretarial work because of its love and passion for it, that would be marvelous. But force them into it for profit? I don’t think so.


Whatever brings home the bacon.


On the other hand, if you aren’t the meal you probably never existed.

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What’s going on this week? @beschizza linking to un_herd, @dnealy jesting about throwing nutritional minority group under the bridge?

I say, hear hear, nudge nudge, wink wink!

By the way, most carnivorous animals don’t taste well. But getting rid of cats would be quite good for the birds, y’know…


I thought you were going to find humour in:

Vegetables alone not enough to reduce heart risk, study finds Vegetables alone not enough to reduce heart risk, study finds - BBC News

Somewhere I had not noticed it.

I like [that thing that seems to have triggered moderation on my first attempt at posting a reply to your story] in real life

Yeah I met someone like this last September, who seemed to enjoy saying ridiculous-but-not-completely-implausible things, with a straight face, and no follow-through, just to see what my reaction would be.


Yeah. Always fun to feel like someone’s trying manipulate you. :roll_eyes:


I know somebody like that too. Not well, mind you. I find it just mildly baffling. Like “Ha! I said something confusing and a person looked confused!”



I think most of us got it that way, it’s just a touchy subject around here.

Now do a post about bicycles. :laughing:


Right there with you. I do wish that Robert would take one of the many opportunities he has been offered to improve his views. Hearing him double down on TERF (while also seeming to claim his support was a misunderstanding) and then drop off the interview when gently confronted on Bullseye (by the father of a trans child) was very disappointing and makes it impossible for me to enjoy his work anymore because that is always what comes to mind.

I hope that someday he will realize that he might be the baddies and turn around.


Lol, now there’s some pro shit-disturbing, :slight_smile:


at the very least mites are consuming my dead cells right now, and eventually my whole body is getting the chomp. i guess it’s the order of operations and maybe something about timing that’s generally concerning…


ummm… maybe let’s talk before anyone takes drastic action. :cat2:


How dare you criticize the palates of our carnivorous feline overlords!
Oh, did you mean they don’t taste good? :wink:

My pedant pendant will go very nicely with my faux fur stole.


Is that real Fox News Anchor your wearing? So sublimely blond!