The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

Woke. Like your great grandmothers; over a century ago.


Look at those woke flappers!


In Belfast.


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NGL I’m more offended by the BBC getting the name of the country wrong. Republic of Ireland is a football team (because the FAI are actual real idiots). Ireland is the country.

They sell Christmas jumpers with Irish on them of course. I’m a bit confused at the person having to turn up at personnel, I was at their global HQ a while back and they had a Head of Culture and Humanity or some such shit instead of HR…


I know you’ve mentioned it before, and admittedly I am not an expert on all laws, but…


Well don’t look at Wikipedia because it’s wrong and the Irish law community gave up on fixing it long ago. But the act does not override the constitution which is pretty clear “the name of the state is Éire or in the English language Ireland”. Have a look at a European treaty and you’ll see listed the signatories being things like “the president of the French Republic, the president of the Hellenic Republic, the president of the Italian republic” and “the president of Ireland”.

The BBC insisted on using “Irish Republic” as its name for Ireland under instruction from Military Intelligence. They had terms media had to use (I have it somewhere in a book from the 90s published by Manchester University Press no doubt) hence the IRA were terrorists but Loyalist terrorists were “paramilitaries”. The reason they chose not to call Ireland by its name was that, while they didn’t have a problem with Article 4 which names the state they did with 5 which claimed the whole island. That has been amended as part of the peace process and the propaganda name that they used should be dropped. It’s Ireland and Northern Ireland unless the football teams are playing when it’s shite and shiteier.


I’m just posting this without comment.

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They can resign or be fired. but they can’t hide.

The judge rejected the First Amendment arguments, saying in the ruling that they were “inconsistent with Supreme Court precedent.” She also noted that Project Veritas could not claim it was protecting the identity of a confidential source from public disclosure after two individuals publicly pleaded guilty in the case.



On the fascist front, this will absolutely not end her career. The Lost Cause myth is so deeply embedded there. I have had this discussion here (VA) so often, offering folks the writings of the Confederate states and leaders, the SC and TX declarations of independence, the Cornerstone Speech, and others, clearly pointing out, in their own words, that slavery was, indeed, the core of the reason for the rebellion. It is routinely rejected. They usually don’t even give a reason, jus that “That’s what you people always say.” Only it’s not “us people,” it is your people! Your heroes! The folks who pledged their lives and honor to ensure that certain people would never be free. But they always fall back on “state’s rights.” When I ask, “Rights to do what?” they have no answer, or at least none that they are willing to give. Way too many are just unreachable.


The same folks who claim taking down statues to traitors is erasing history are very resistant to learning history.


“Parent’s Rights.” Yeah, does that include the rights of the parents who do not want their teens drinking and being assaulted? Of course not! “Parent’s Rights” only translate as “My right to do anything I want, to my kids and to yours. You get no vote at all.” They suck.


The whole idea of “State’s rights” still comes up in some federal programs I’ve worked in, as in, we have to be careful when placing guidelines because we can’t trample on state’s rights. Weird aside, but it was an oddly huge talking point a little over a decade ago when we started the process of requiring government-funded renovations for energy savings also bring the homes into compliance with modern ventilation standards. Which, holy oh COVID…
Even outside the context of the Civil War, the whole notion of invoking state’s rights has become a dog whistle of, “our rights to do or not do whatever we want while hindering other states of the same freedom.”
It never comes up when discussing things like legal marijuana, or reproductive care, but always comes up when discussing things like slavery, or fuel efficiency mandates for vehicles.


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