The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

Sorry - No Label, no nomination!


The Memphis Police Department received multiple complaints on Feb. 15 about a post with images of a young girl appearing to apply hot wax to the pubic area of adults, the Commercial Appeal reported, citing an arrest affidavit.




This is the same thinking that lost them the GA senate race - Black voters will just vote for any Black face, even one that is obviously unfit for office… They are racist assholes.


LaPierre was ordered to repay the NRA US$5.4 million. Because he has already repaid over $1 million following an internal NRA investigation, he will only have to pay back $4.35 million, James announced.

Since the jury said that LaPierre should be removed from his job, from which he had already resigned, it’s possible that he will be barred from ever returning.


That’s the kind of thing that got Kozlowski from Tyco 16 years and caused the company to be split into 3 different entities and handed a bunch of mandatory restrictions. Any prison time for this embezzlement? Any sanctions on the organization?


Something tells me that the money and services he illegally gained from/through NRA are much higher than the price tag of this verdict. If so then at the end of the day he’s come out ahead, besides paying the money there doesn’t seem to be any other consequences here.


At least it’s a handy list of washed-up b list celebrities to avoid.


Corbi — who worked on the palatial 27-floor, $4.8 billion Mumbai residence of business mogul Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Industries — reveals to THR that his most spectacular project, due to be completed in 2025, is an island fortress created on a 200-acre property in the U.S., with cutting-edge tactical systems.

“The shelter can withstand a blast one mile from ground zero,” says Corbi. “But that was almost incidental. The client [a business mogul] was saying, ‘I want to make sure that no one can get to my family,’ so we wound up literally building a 30-foot-deep lake [around the compound] skimmed with a lighter-than-water flammable liquid that can transform into a ring of fire. The only access to the island is a swing bridge.”

Also at Corbi’s project, “there are water cannons that can take down parachuters, Apache helicopters, whatever’s coming your way 500 feet in the air,” he says. “Then we took all the dirt removed for the lake to literally build a mountain as natural fortification around the property. And we cut a tunnel through with flame-throwers, gassing systems, a steel wall that closes midway that could stop a 16-wheeler going 80 miles an hour, and bollards at both ends.”

Yet Humble says that the majority of his approximately 100 current custom and standard projects are focused on security. “In cities like L.A., the homeless-slash-crime epidemic getting out of control seems to be a recurring theme lately, so people are getting serious about security,” he says. “I have a project in Colorado with nine ballistic, armored pocket doors, because they need to be able to lock down the house at any time. I’m also doing security vault doors for several famous people.” (Notably, violent crime in Los Angeles declined by double-digit percentages in 2023 compared to the previous year.)


I wonder exactly how long most of these traps would work without the power grid. The fire moat might for a while, depending on rain, but then it’s also only going to go off once. Real traps don’t reload themselves centuries later.

Of course in the event of a real apocalypse it wouldn’t be worth any risk to break in and steal these guys’ vintage cars in the first place. Just board them in and leave them for future archeologists…who knows, in a thousand years maybe even Zuckerberg will be worth something.


No one could possibly own scuba gear, an aluminum boat or just shoot some arrows over with plague rats tied to them.


Drop a hose into it, and siphon it away to somewhere lower. Next.


Apart from paranoia, vanity, stupidity, delusions, etc, etc there seems to be a fair amount of “keeping up with the Joneses” involved.


It went as bad as people predicted


So - edgy means being a dick now?


What i’m curious about is that as far as i know having booby traps on your property is illegal, but i guess if you’re a billionaire such things are barely an obstacle.


Judge who showed leniency for rapist tossed off the bench. 18 year old raped a 16 year old girl, had served 148 days, judge skeevily released him from his sentence of 4 years because the rapist being in jail made him sad.


I’m imagining the addition of the mode during a brainstorming session between the designer and the billionaire. Just hear me out, the billionaire says…



No one seemed to enjoy doing any of the skits with him, either…

kid GIF