The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

Important thing to note


Schitts Creek Ok GIF by CBC


This whole thing has left me thinking

Girl What GIF by MOODMAN

Any time there is an image of a group of people behind a long dinner table crossing the frame horizontally, it looks like the Last Supper. The arrangement is just not unique in any way. Which is why parodies typically also include the same poses by the people/animals, use the painted table and background, and dress the figures in the same kinds of clothes. To call this performance a mockery of the Last Supper is quite silly.
Then there was the freak out about the “rider on a pale horse.” These people need some hobbies.

At the same time, it does seem to have distracted the USA bigots from the threat Harris represents. There was a chance for some momentum against Harris with the Nat-C crowd but now they all appear to upset about their imaginary insult to christianity



Jesse Singal is weird; and much worse things.


Yeah, that’s what makes it a winning battle. Trump could call his opponents “nasty” knowing it would never come back against him, because his supporters know he’s nasty and delight in it. We also know there are weird people on the left, in all sorts of wonderful ways, and we don’t care because we’re not the ones who think being different is bad. The idea that there’s only one way everyone has to be is their vision.

But of course Singal doesn’t accept differences either, does he? Creepy loser.


Pop Tv What GIF by Schitt's Creek


Stalking or selling the info?


yeah, this one is really a strange case. not sure what was being searched, or why/ for whom.
most of the MCSO are pretty chill, when they are not drink driving or getting in bar fights…


more info coming out about this keys cop misusing police computers to warn her boyfriend of drug busts in Stock Island and BigCoppitt.

i don’t know if Keys Weekly is paywalled. it is not for me.
figures it would be drug related.
ETA:Stock Island is the key that holds the Monroe County jail. you know, they put you in stocks on Stock Island. it is right before you get to Key West.
oh, those naughty lower keys!


That “debunking” consists only of a current Mr. Beast employee saying “nuh-uh!” The original video had actual evidence. Now, I have an issue with the original video, though. The first part of it consists of mentioning someone named Kris who worked for Mr. Beast and left under suspicion of being a “minor attracted” person. Then he said he was going to talk about that later in the video, but never did. First of all, that’s weird phrasing. Like, who says that instead of just saying pedophile? Well…one group of people I’ve often heard use that phrase are people who want to associate LGBTQ people with pedophilia, and lo and behold, Kris is Kris Tyson, a former employee of Mr. Beast who came out as a transwoman. So I’m not sure why that part was even in the video, and that makes me question the motives of the creator.

That being said, the stuff about the problematic nature of the gambling style giveaways on Mr. Beast’s channel, and quite a few other social media channels, is a legitimate criticism and something I’ve noticed myself. I don’t know how these channels get away with this stuff, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the FTC or some other agency is investigating.


There’s a ton of finger pointing going on in the youtube creator space since Dr. Disrespect (who also had quite a history of being a transphobe) got outed for trying to chat up a minor. It was difficult to try to sort all of that stuff out the past few weeks to folks here who don’t give a shit about youtubers and twitch streamers. Which is why I wanted to share Chucky’s retort to the ex employee in that article.


Yeah but the retort is labelled as a debunking, and it’s not. It’s just one guy saying, “It’s not true,” without providing any evidence. And, the fact that he even did that tells me Mr. Beast isn’t running this stuff by a lawyer first, which he totally should. The accusations in the first video, if true, outline something people who bought merch could totally sue Mr. Beast over. And if not true, those accusations could be defamation. Either way, this shit has litigation written all over it. Which means Mr. Beast and his people right now should be shutting the fuck up.


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