The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

I really hate the stage of capitalism we seem to be entering where you rent everything and own nothing…


Oh that’s easy: it’s functionally identical to good old-fashioned feudalism.

You, the peasant, do not own anything. Your Lord does. You get to live in your house because he lets you, and only if you keep up your rent. It is compulsory to go to church, and you get to pay for the privilege: someone has to pay the priest, and the sexton, and the chaplain, and the construction/upkeep of the church, and it ain’t the bishop.

But if the Lord decides he wants to do something else with the land your family has lived on for generations, he can, because you’ve never owned it. If he wants to donate your fields to the local monastery, he can, because you’ve always rented it. If the bishop wants to deconsecrate your church, he can, because it belongs to the Church not you. If the bishop decides to turn the position of your parish priest into a sinecure for someone who may or may not hire a chaplain to take care of things, but you still have to pay for, he can.

And the bishop answers to the archbishop (de jure) and the Lord (de facto), holding everything because they say they can, and all their income comes from what they can extract from their sees.
And the Lord answers to his liege, which may be the King, or may have a couple of steps in between, and he only holds his lands because his liege says he can, on condition that he pays rent.

And so on up to the King, who spends all his time conspicuously consuming, and starting wars with other kings, and worrying about how he can extract money from his subjects to pay for it.

They say it’s about “capital”, but once no-one owns anything and everyone rents everything on the sufferance of their “superiors”, then it’s not just “late stage” capitalism, it’s capitalism’s end stage, and that’s feudalism. Except without the even theoretical requirement of the lords to look after their subjects.

When Adam delved and Eve span,
Who then was the venture capital investor?


wow, man, wow.
i am certain that many of our regulars already know all of what you just broke down - succinctly enough that this keybilly could grasp - the “late stage capitalism” will eventually own the people who must consume their meager profferings for a price.
a price that should not have to be paid, considering all that had been previously extracted.
i am not a smert man, but i understand that.


Y’know, I wasn’t a fan of folks trying to take Civil War reenactments or plantation-themed weddings to the next level. Now you’ve summed up very well why Medieval Times are best left in a theme park.

It’s getting more vulture and less venture every year.

No Way Do Not Want GIF






Following the shooting, the boy’s family said he had no feelings in his legs and may never walk again.


tl,dr: So the white woman says:

“Besides Simone, I feel like the talent and the depth just isn’t like what it used to be,” Skinner said in part, in a since-deleted YouTube video posted during the Olympic trials in June. “Just notice like, I mean, obviously a lot of girls don’t work as hard. The girls just don’t have the work ethic.”

The Black woman responds:

Biles posted a series of photos of the 2024 U.S. women’s gymnastics team on Instagram following their gold medal win with the caption, “lack of talent, lazy, olympic champions.”

And the white woman immediately screams about cyberbullying and YOU-CAN’T-DO-THAT!!

(My own editorial comments added, and may be completely mistaken, but really hard to read this in another way. Especially when (as someone who does not at all follow gymnastics) I thought the team was shockingly diverse, and could not help but read into Skinner’s comment as “look at all these not-white people!” )


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Best case scenario, Skinner showed incredible lack of awareness and insensitivity; most likely, just plain racism. She’s getting righteously roasted.


She should have, in the words of Tim Walz, “minded her own damn business.”

Had she not posted a vid actively seeking negative attention, she would not be receiving more of it than she bargained for now.


Well that’s dystopian. No idea if it’s true.



You do not hurt the puppies, you fucking asshole!!

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Insight and self-awareness are not strong in these folks. But perceived victimhood, now, that is a different story!


Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

Talk about a lack of self-awareness! I mean, swap in 95% of what T**** says, even about his own team, and this analysis is valid.

The thing is, the couch-shtupping story resonates because Vance is creepy. He puts out serious stalker vibes. You can’t put a finger on quite what it is, but the story acts as a surrogate for that feeling that there is something wrong with him, much like there is with his sponsor Thiel.


You mean Peter “All our problems started when women got the vote” Thiel? The gay supporter of the “kill all the gays” party? That freaking asshole? There should be much more said about Vance’s sponsor. It explains so much about the “why” of his creepiness.


Billions of accusations calling trans people and others pedos - one calling Vance a furnace polisher.

I have no sympathy.