The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

How is she coming out now?

She really likes repeating bigot talking points, doesn’t she? “If you’re transitioning because of sex” is a really old one though. She should update her material.


I’m not surprised. She’s been giving transmed vibes for a long time. Evidently she used to be a mod on Susan’s Place, which is very transmedicalist. I mean that last tweet basically ends with a veiled callout to Blanchardist AGP rhetoric. :roll_eyes:


Susan’s Place and the AGP shit was the reason I ended up hating myself for so long. I was a teenager, looking for answers and I found that bullshit. I fucking despise anyone pushing it.


Same TBH. I remember going there in first or second year university and being like, ‘oh… this doesn’t sound like me at all. Guess I’m not really trans.’ AGP has done so much damage and the fact it’s still around despite being thoroughly discredited is horrific.


Excuse the ignorance, but what is transmedicalist?


Basically, the idea that to be trans you have to experience gender dysphoria and undergo the full raft of medical treatment to cure yourself. They usually are in favour of medical gatekeeping and other hurdles you have to pass to be a ‘true’ trans person. Many (but not all) of them think of nonbinary and non-medically transitioning trans people to be ‘transtrenders’ or ‘tucutes’ and think they’re hurting acceptance of trans people by not trying to fit into cishet society.


Thank you, I didn’t know the term either. They sound like absolute assholes.

I have learned so much from the trans community members here. Y’all are awesome

I perused the internets and found what seems to be a decent article discussing the basics. I haven’t read the whole thing yet, a migraine is moving in on me. But I thought maybe @docosc or anyone else as uninformed as I am would find it useful


Printing that out to peruse after work. Thank you!


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I have seen this in the wild. Many years ago i was called to the ED to care for a girl in DKA. As i was stabilizing her, her preacher came in and accused me of damning her soul and lying to her parents, because he had cured her diabetes and so did not need treatment. She needed more faith in the healing. I told him i would deal with him after i saved her life. Probably best for both of us, he did not wait around for me. I have no patience for this bullshit. My only response to his bible quoting was “Doesn’t it also say ‘Thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the test?’ Ok, then go away.”


DOJ indicts 2 alleged leaders of white supremacist ‘Terrorgram’ chat group[quote=“KathyPartdeux, post:4217, topic:240689, full:true”]

The indictment alleges that the group “solicited terrorist attacks” including on alleged “enemies,” on government infrastructure, and on “high value” targets such as politicians and government figures.

“The List,” according to the indictment, includes U.S. senators, federal judges, U.S. attorneys and local officials.

In at least three separate instances detailed by prosecutors in the indictment, users of the group have allegedly moved forward in carrying out violent attacks inspired by the group chat.

One user was a 19-year-old from Slovakia who killed two people at an LGBT bar in Bratislava before killing himself, according to the DOJ. The indictment alleges that the attacker sent a manifesto directly to Humber, which Humber later purportedly narrated and turned into an audiobook.

Both Humber and Allison later allegedly took credit for the attack and celebrated the attacker as the group’s “first Saint,” according to the indictment.

A separate case highlighted in the indictment involved the arrest in July of 18-year-old Andrew Taskhistov of New Jersey who was allegedly incited to plot an attack on an energy facility through his membership in the group. A third case highlighted in the indictment involved an 18-year-old from Turkey who allegedly livestreamed himself stabbing five people outside a mosque and later shared multiple publications from the group.


The indictment alleges that the group “solicited terrorist attacks” including on alleged “enemies,” on government infrastructure, and on “high value” targets such as politicians and government figures.

“The List,” according to the indictment, includes U.S. senators, federal judges, U.S. attorneys and local officials.

In at least three separate instances detailed by prosecutors in the indictment, users of the group have allegedly moved forward in carrying out violent attacks inspired by the group chat.

One user was a 19-year-old from Slovakia who killed two people at an LGBT bar in Bratislava before killing himself, according to the DOJ. The indictment alleges that the attacker sent a manifesto directly to Humber, which Humber later purportedly narrated and turned into an audiobook.

Both Humber and Allison later allegedly took credit for the attack and celebrated the attacker as the group’s “first Saint,” according to the indictment.

A separate case highlighted in the indictment involved the arrest in July of 18-year-old Andrew Taskhistov of New Jersey who was allegedly incited to plot an attack on an energy facility through his membership in the group. A third case highlighted in the indictment involved an 18-year-old from Turkey who allegedly livestreamed himself stabbing five people outside a mosque and later shared multiple publications from the group.




Driver Steals Truck Attempting To Tow His Pickup And Smashes Everything In His Path


File under: I’ll show everyone!