The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

Pinellas County had issued an evacuation order two days earlier for Zone A, which directed all guests and residents to leave the barrier islands.

But the 286-room Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort and Spa stayed open, sending emails to guests and sliding notices under their doors with false information. “We have not been ordered to evacuate Clearwater Beach,” the messages said, adding that the resort and restaurants would remain open.


Dude looks like that ignorant racist “Felix” character in BlackKkKlansman.

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On 9/2/23, the Goyim Defense League and Blood Tribe held a march in Orlando, Florida where 55 neo-Nazis waved swastika flags and expressed their intent cleanse the United States of Jewish, LGBTQ+, and people of color.

Both groups are supported by tech companies who provide critical services that allow them to organize and fund their neo-Nazi activism, including campaigns of harassment, intimidation, and extreme religious, ethnic, and racial hatred.


Circus in the Wisconsin Supreme Court (I guess this thread works for that):

I’m impressed at how childish the conservative justices of Wisconsin are. I wonder if she flipped a table or broke a keyboard. She should be glad the majority didn’t just strip her of her title like what was done to her liberal predecessor.


Tuberville seems to be committing a bit of light treason.


I wonder if Tuberville is now considering staying far away from open windows.


We’re going back to trans people being refused treatment at places like emergency rooms for broken bones etc.


I’m glad there are now 2 hospitals in my small city, because SSM Health was previously the only one and they’ve adopted the Catholic churches anti-trans policy.


Oh, I’m sorry, did your deliberately public display of religious practice while on the clock as a state employee backfire by garnering too much attention? What a pity.


"Members of the Orange Unified Recall have filed a felony criminal complaint against Frank Rodriguez and Leandra Blades for conspiring to direct a minor (the child of Leandra Blades) to commit a fraud by knowingly and intentionally signing a fake name and address to a recall petition. This occurred at the Orange International Street Fair when Blades’ son approached the OUSD Recall boothfalsely claimed to be an OUSD voter and asked to sign the petitions. Recall volunteers noticed the signer then immediately go stand and begin to film with Rodriguez, a social media agitator, and Placentia Yorba Linda USD school board member Leandra Blades, a known ally of Ms. Miner, Recall proponents let the group know it was a crime to knowingly falsely sign the petitions. After Mr. Rodriguez was removed by the police for harassment, Blades and her son immediately requested the name he signed to be removed, which it was. It appears this conspiracy to commit a felony was a misguided attempt at a “gotcha” moment, Rodriguez’ stock in trade.



Donald Glover Reaction GIF


Episode 5 Abc GIF by The Bachelor


In a Hacker News post last year, Psoma highlights the labor-intensive nature of 3D modeling as the impetus for starting the company. “The idea for Kaedim was born from a personal frustration when, 2 years ago, I was working on a project for re-creating a cathedral in 3D software for my university degree. Before being hands-on, the concept seemed straightforward to me, ‘the same way you draw on a piece of paper, you can also draw in 3D, how hard can it be?,’” she wrote. “The reality shocked me. Having completely underestimated the task I found myself needing hours to model each 3D object (chairs, tables, walls) using really complicated and steep learning curve 3D software.”

How is that a shock? What did she expect to happen? That when she had modelled the building, the chairs would just appear? And that 3D software has a steep learning curve should have been pretty self-evident. If you haven’t even tried using the software before, maybe don’t build your degree around being able to deliver something with it?

When did we go from startups being engineers that had an idea and worked hard in a garage to make it reality to them just being techbros (or a techsis in this case) being too lazy to do something and throwing money at the problem so other people can get AI or the blockchain to solve it for them?


“I believe I can best continue to advocate for constitutional freedom and religious liberty by working from outside the school system so that is what I will do,” Kennedy wrote. “I will continue to work to help people understand and embrace the historic ruling at the heart of our case.”

Sounds more like he’s trying to pivot his newfound notoriety into a high paying gig on the evangelical outrage circuit