The Making of 'Star Wars,' 1977: Amazing photos of ILM filming Death Star explosions

Greeble union. All structures must have a certain amount of greeble coverage; it’s in the contracts.

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Original Death Star, before the Emperor found out about it, thought it was a super idea, and gave them the budget.


Isn’t that…why, yes, it is, It’s that fucking Rod Stewart song from Patch Adams.

Isn’t that the movie where Robin Williams played a nonconformist who kept having run-ins with an authority figure?

I preferred the “yeah Klingons used to look like humans but it’s something we don’t like to talk about so don’t ask” explanation in that episode of Deep Space Nine when they went all Forrest Gump on “The Trouble with Tribbles.”

No, it’s the one where he played a nonconformist who kept having run-ins with an authority figure while wearing a rubber clown nose.

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