The man who called woman a "stupid blue hair Asian girl" is no longer a Realtor

Well, on one, barely remembered birthday, after an evening drinking from what seemed to be a bottomless glass of single malt Scotch, I ended up at a friend’s flat, just a few yards from my home, where, so I’m told, I sat smiling quietly to myself with my friends kitten sat on my head.
This is not habitual behaviour, and I have never been that shitfaced since!
Doesn’t mean I don’t drink, though, just not most of a year’s production from a Scottish distillery in one evening!


Demands for some sort of due process over social fuckups are essentially a demand that someone of superior social status to the victim validate their injury before they’re allowed to claim victimhood.

It isn’t actually that different than some of the ‘Black Codes’ from Reconstruction, where black people making legal claims against whites would need a white ‘sponsor’.

Sorry, but I get to cut whomever I want out of my life without permission. This is just another way for abusers to claim importance over their victim.


It makes ya pee, eventually; alcohol is both fluid intake AND a pretty strong diuretic =). And perhaps vomit, if you get a bit too jiggy with the jigger…


He has, indeed. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer man.
Speaking from a position of White Male Privilege, I’m only sorry that this seems to be the worst that’s happened to him, but I live with the hope that his life enters an ever downward spiral of unadulterated misery.
Kharma is indeed a bitch. Asshole.


I’d prefer him to learn from it and better himself. But I’m not holding my breath.


Fair point. I amend my statement as follows:


It disinhibits you from not peeing.



Nah, he’ll find another job, they will at most ask him to keep his racism on the down low.

Meanwhile she will keep receiving random racist insults with a depressing frequency for her entire life by virtue of existing while woman and Asian.

But he was dragged on the Internet for some days, the poor man. Oh the evils of the Court of Opinion…


If this guy had not been videotaped, do you think he would learn to be a better person? Would it have been better for the world not to know that this guy is a racist and a misogynist? What do you think the woman who shot the video should have done instead of posting the video to her Twitter account? Should she have taken his abuse silently, or argued back (and perhaps get attacked)? Now that he has been outed, do you think he may reflect on how awful he was? I’d love to know what you think.


As a diuretic, no, it DOES eventually force you to pee =).

Stephen Fry’s comment may apply to a lot of realtors and leasing agents but doesn’t at all to the realtor I’ve used for 4 home purchases. He is extremely honest, ethical and a gentleman in the true sense of the word. I’ve known him for almost 30 years and don’t hesitate to recommend him to anybody looking for a new home.

That’s what dRumpf thought - he just took the comment about putting it where the Sun doesn’t shine a little further.


No laws were broken, no legal punishments were levied.

Not being a dick isn’t hard for most people. Maybe he will learn a valuable lesson here; plenty of other societies value this and practice various forms of social ostracism if you are a dick.

Don’t be a dick. It’s easy. He failed. He gets to try again, hopefully a little wiser.


I will admit that makes sense to me. One thing that is always weird to me is once the camera is on these folks tend to keep digging the hole they are in.

Think of it from the position of a person being filmed where you really haven’t done anything wrong, and someone is trying to pressure you into some action (or inaction) by filming you. I have seen this play out in an airport where a guy’s flight was delayed 3 times in a row, and started filming his conversation with the gate agent (protip: don’t do this). It hasn’t happened to me, but people (rightfully) think this gives them power and use it to try to exert that power over the person being filmed regardless of who is right.

So if you haven’t done anything wrong, and someone is filming you, it’s because they are using the video to pressure you. Maybe you really feel like you’ve done nothing wrong, and they are in the wrong – you are not going to change your behavior. You are going to double down, possibly to show that they have no power over you.

The guy is behaving this way not because he thinks he’s in the wrong, but because he thinks the person filming is in the wrong.

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And that’s why you can still hold your head high! My only words of advice would be do carry a nice absorbent terry cloth.

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Wildly off-topic, but thank you for using the word “patoot.” You made me very happy today!


Its is the possessive. It’s is a contraction for “it is”.

As for the rest, the first time a person shows you who they are, believe them.


Still time to mend your ways, though. A kitten for every head in the new economy!


In vino veritas

Getting inebriated, regardless of substance, lets you say things you normally wouldn’t let yourself say OUT LOUD. People who get water and suddenly
pop off with racist epithets had those just behind their veil of socially acceptable behavior.

I’ve gotten wasted and said stupid things to people and done things I regret. You know what I never did? Spat out the n-word. Because I NEVER use the word.


I stand by my statement. I believe you’re describing the process of filtration/separation, prior to the act of peeing. :man_scientist: