North Tennessee, South Tennessee, Central Carolina…
Verhampshire, Indihio, Misskansas…
24-BIT Colorado, WyΩing, East West Virginia
You might look into Inkscape. It’s a pretty sophisticated graphics program along the lines of Adobe Illustrator, but free. I’m not sure but I think it can import many kinds of graphics files, and has excellent image tracing.
If you’re looking specifically at mapping, QGIS is a free, open source, full featured GIS application with a large user and developer base. It’s not so easy to learn, but you can get started with simple maps pretty quickly. Outlines, no problem, just find a shapefile and drop it in.
… those State of Jefferson people got their wish
Source: The August 1979 issue of National Lampoon, which I recently found in a recycling bin, and which in general has not aged well.
I shall give both suggestions a try, thanks!
'Matter of fact, I already downloaded QGIS… almost a year ago. I wonder what map-ish idea I had then…
Had to look it up. Thanks.
Thank you! I missed it the first time.
…It seems like this is a distorted perspective. Like if you play with a rotating globe, you can’t get both North and South America quite so small without bringing more of Australia into view. Which is frustrating, because the Pacific basically covers half anyway without any exaggeration, so why would you? Am I missing something?
Okay, I’ll delete it.
I mean, I didn’t say that, I was just puzzled.
It’s back!
I dunno, it’s just a meme. I hope a view like that is possible.