The Marvel Cinematic Universe nominated for its first Razzie

Originally published at:


100% deserved.




You know that Howard The Duck won for the categories of Worst Picture, Worst Screenplay, Worst New Star, and Worst Visual Effects (along with being nominated for Worst Original Song) at the 1987 Razzies, right? That was a truly epic achievement!

(Some people will try to argue that Howard the Duck wasn’t part of the MCU. Those people should just stand there in their wrongness and be wrong and get used to it.)


The older I get the less funny and more mean-spirited the Razzies seem to me. Especially after the whole “oh shit turns out Bruce Willis was dealing with a degenerative neurological condition while we were making fun of his acting” thing.


Worst prequel? I watched it, because I enjoy the Ant Man movies a lot with their superheroes meet Oceans 8 bit, but I don’t recall that part. Prequel to Loki maybe? I don’t get it.

It had so much CGI that it was just painful to watch.


There’s that and when they nominated a child. I really thought we were completely through and done with it.


The biggest mistake was not including Luis.


And what’s with nominating Michael Douglas and Bill Murray for “worst supporting actor” anyway? Sure, the movie was clearly more of a paycheck thing for the both of them than anything else but I don’t remember either of their performances being bad, let alone among the worst on-screen performances of the year.


Well dammit now you just made my reference to the 1987 Howard the Duck Razzie a lot less fun. Because one of the awards was “worst new star,” which named Howard as the star, but it turns out that there was a 13-year-old Jordan Prentice inside of that costume and I’ll bet that he didn’t appreciate it.

(Jordan Prentice went on to have a memorable role in In Bruges, among other films.)


Because nominating them can be seen as “punching up,” probably.


Still throwing a lot of punches around for no particularly good reason.

I never did understand how some people are able to dedicate so much mental energy into shitting on media they didn’t like. I’ve seen plenty of movies that left me thinking “well that definitely could have used a rewrite” or “boy was that a waste of my time” but never one that made me think “I should organize an awards program to let the world know just how much I disliked that movie.”


The post didn’t say the MCU received its first Razzie. It said Marvel Studios did. Marvel Studios did not produce Howard the Duck. That was Universal. Marvel Studios didn’t even exist then. Marvel Comics just licensed the IP to George Lucas and Universal. Marvel had no other involvement.

Nothing says it was a prequel. The award is for “Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off, or Sequel”.


Maybe in the body of the text, but the big bold headline literally says

I rarely pay attention to BoingBoing headlines anymore. They often contradict the body of the post. I’m tired of complaining about it.


In another world, there’s a version of the Razzies that is more sensible. Instead of presenting like some frat house jerks who enjoy mockery more than anything else, there could be something that takes the perspective that maybe we call out these but studios for falling short of collective expectations despite having so much money and talent available to them. Maybe the Razzies potentially started that way. I don’t know. But something similar to what they’re doing approached from a more mature angle could be good.


I enjoy riffs along the lines of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Ryan George’s “Pitch Meeting” videos but I think of those things as forms of entertainment in and of themselves. The Razzies are little more than a couple of guys who never created anything of note themselves screaming “you suck!” at filmmakers they don’t like.


The Razzies are supposed to be that entertaining thing of note that they created. But because they’re so mean-spirited, they’ll never really be held in any positive regard. They are noted frequently, so that’s something. They made some sort of mark on the culture.

I don’t think they necessarily have to have made something of note in order to put criticisms out there, but it would serve them better if they aimed to say more than this or that thing sucked. Like actual criticism would validate them in many eyes. Or being funny, like Ryan George.



The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the product of Marvel Studios.

Marvel Studios productions, which includes the Marvel Cinematic Universe, are separate from Random Movies Made By Other Studios Using Licensed Marvel Properties.

Howard The Duck, for example, was a movie using a licensed Marvel property. It is not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe because it was not produced by Marvel Studios.