The most valuable NFT avatars in the metaverse are all white males

This headline is wrong.

If you look at the Cryptopunks site, these are not avatars in a virtual world, these are deeds to art anyone can download being sold back and forth.

There is nothing ‘metaverse’ about this.

(If they actually were avatars, the mostly white and male audience buying avatars that look like them is unremarkable, apart from the fact that a photograph would be cheaper, and a digital painting of a coyote would be prettier. It’s just an effect of white males being the group most involved in NFTs. Which is an effect of white males having the most disposable income to do stupid things with.)

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True, but the techbros and cryptocurrency fanbois are desperately trying to show that NFTs are an integral part of our inevitable (and ultra-capitalist) “metaverse” future.

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Every day, I become more and more convinced that either (a) we are living in a simulation, or (b) I have lost all touch with reality because nothing about this story makes any sense and can’t possibly be real.

Are they really crypto-punks, or is that just another name for “tech bros”?

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