The one thing a man should never say to a woman in bed

Of course, the perfect answer is, “What’s never happened before?”
…but timbre and tone of voice are important here, depending on how one feels about one’s partner.


Oh, it looks like they are doing a good job so far. I don’t see even one drop of blood. Kinda like this thread. The women are holding it down, while the men keep looking for openings.

Erh… phrasing. But still miraculously apropos.


Also, if we apply this metaphor to this thread, who is Chuck what is Redstone and who wants the budget, and what is the budget? Is the budget likes, attention, friends? Cuz I know who has that and who doesn’t… :wink:

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Why am I (not) surprised he can’t even see that? :wink:


You must be looking at a different thread. I don’t see any peacemakers here.

I think there is a lot of potential interest in this topic, and have purchased a some domain names etc with the intention of ramping this up in a couple of different channels. But I’m also getting my ducks in a row so that the first time someone says something menacing on social media I’m not going to tweet 10,000 people that I’m fleeing the state and hiding in an undisclosed national forest.

This is a classic book and I don’t know why it isn’t mandatory reading in business school because it’s not technical writing and the previous edition is probably available for a buck

Methinks your male-pattern deafness is showing again.


Local politics is an ugly business, but there is generally less pretense because people know their jobs only last until the next election and hiring decisions will be unabashed nepotism. Also, there’s a lot less to be gained by melodramatic swooning because every sigh or yawn is not actionable in Human resources.

This is now a thread about trains.


Thank you for illustrating my point perfectly.

There are no peacemakers on this thread.

Yourself included in that count I hope. LOL

Sounds like more backpedaling and mansplainin’, to me!

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Here is a token of my hate:


Of course. I’m not sure why that’s funny. I have not attempted to diffuse the situation in any way. Indeed, I find watching you guys fight using crude generalizations about gender and each other to be most entertaining.

… we’re not fighting? O_o


" … When someone expresses some feeling or attitude or belief, our tendency is, almost immediately, to feel “That’s right”; or “That’s stupid”; “That’s abnormal”; “That’s unreasonable”; “That’s incorrect”; “That’s not nice.” Very rarely do we permit ourselves to understand precisely what the meaning of his statement. …" (Carl Rogers)

As far as problems go, this is not that serious, in the grand scheme of things. We’re talking about a temporary problem that can often be solved routinely and non-invasively. The only pain is to your pride; this seems like a bigger deal to people other than the one you want to sleep with, as it doesn’t even necessarily have to stop you from having sex. Nobody but that person even has to know, and as you just can’t leave the default setting, it doesn’t get in the way of your other activities. I wouldn’t even compare it to periods on the scale of meh, and that’s when things are going as normal. It’s a little taste of potential body shaming in one context, and while it can be distressing and embarrassing, it’s really not something to get angry at the internet about.

You’re just throwing fuel on the fire. I’m mocking everyone.

We’re more like spectators in a gladiator match between a bunch of middle class children whining about how rough it is for them and how the other side just doesn’t understand and also is to blame.


The Gender Communications Rule has been explained again: talking back = throwing fuel on the fire.

Best go back to listening. And nodding. And, um, trying to stay awake…