The Ongoing Gallery of Trump-Inspired Assholes

Yeah, the be welcomed back into the same rotten Manhattan set of taste-impaired and botoxed arrivistes and no-talent trust-fund layabouts they’ve hung out with all along.

I stand by my earlier prediction of the futures of these particular arseholes

Eric and his equally dimwitted brother better prepare to enjoy their futures as junior VPs in charge of outside relationships (AKA bribes and kickbacks) at Kushner Companies, LLC. Those six-figure salaries for what are essentially no-show jobs aren’t a hardship, but being mere bagmen with expense accounts working for their empty-eyed brother-in-law will mean a different life for them. Their KKK-loving grandpa will be rolling in his grave knowing their bosses are (as their dad phrased it) “the little guys in yamulkes” who subsumed the organisation he founded for pennies on the dollar.

Ivanka will continue in her father’s grifting footsteps by trying to pivot the family name from real estate to branding a right-wing version of Goop. It will be interesting to see whether or not she’ll succeed in peddling her All-American/made-in-China New-Age woo.

The younger kids will be wise to distance themselves entirely from the rest of the family and the legacy of a father who obviously didn’t care about them.