They expect the cancellation of all debt from a monarchist ruler? Maybe these people need to read some books.
[insert “I’m not that shocked” GIF here]
Low IQ-Annon shocked by consequences. Not surprising.
I mean, they definitely need to read some books, but just in case they choose the bible as one of them, debt jubilees declared by a monarch were, in fact, once a thing. Possibly. Not for the past millennium or two at least, but they probably won’t pay attention to that distinction. And for private debts, not for commercial debts or debts owed to the monarch.
I’m confused… aren’t the libruls the ones who want free stuff?
Sovereign citizens intermingling with Qnuts? Not shocking at all…
No. We want stuff paid by shared taxes, by all of us working hard.
It’s the right wingers who believe they are entitled to free stuff, because god blessed them with white skin…
I am fortunate to have a life that is virtually free of right-wingers. There is one guy who I had considered a friendly colleague who became one of the main reasons I bailed on facebook.
He wrote (or copied and pasted, more likely) something along the lines of “If conservatives want health insurance they get a job and pay for it. If liberals want health insurance they try to get somebody else to pay for it for them”.
I wasn’t going to get into it with him, but I contemplated writing “If conservatives want health insurance they get a job and pay for it. If liberals want health insurance they get a job and pay for it – and then they ask themselves how they can help others who are not so fortunate.”
But Medicare for all is my true preference.
And regarding him being a colleague – it’s particularly painful because he is an indigenous artist with whom I collaborated. So weird that he got sucked in by Fox Noise!
Yeah, it’s not just sucking in white dudes, sadly.
Three plus years in and I still cannot wrap my head around the Qanon nuttery.
Don’t try, that’s how you get the mindworms.
People who celebrate living in the dark now complaining about being in the dark? Okay.
Ironic isn’t it.
It’s as if Family Feud has replaced The Scientific Method.
That’s, sadly, a pretty excellent metaphor.
Read? READ? Are you mad?
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