The reason why Trump was charged on secret documents but Clinton and Pence were not

Originally published at: The reason why Trump was charged on secret documents but Clinton and Pence were not | Boing Boing


Just looking at those storage photos, who wouldn’t want all that shit outta there? Gotta be a couple dumpster loads. “Yes please come get it, and could you take this old mattress, too” ?


Nervously looks around house…

Yeah, heh heh, who would want to live like that…


Probably ten years ago I filled a thirty yard dumpster with mostly books. I tried to give them away, donate, whatever. No one wanted them . It felt wrong throwing away books, but many of them were superceded technical books or software manuals. ( probably another 30 cu yards I didn’t discard :slight_smile: ). Liberating, it was


I’m just about to move into a much smaller place (hopefully temporarily), and I’ve already decided I’m just going to store my books, even though most of them I’ve not read for ages.
It’s the piles of CD’s that I should probably get rid of. Probably 99% of are worth nothing, and I ripped them all to my computer years and years ago. They take up so much space too, but I’m still loath to just chuck them in a bin.

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