The Sandwich Alignment Chart (cue John Hodgman's exploding head!)

That bottom pic is something called a Luther. It was named after Luther Vandross, who denied having ever eaten one.

I can’t stand it when people order “a Panini”. It’s “a panino”. Panini is the plural. Get it right, people!


The original infographic clearly says toppings in all cases, though.

However to quote Shakespeare “Butty me no butties”!

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“Like, when you think about it, isn’t the universe one big sandwich because we’re all part of a layer between the past and the future?” —Stoner culinary physicist


I always eat a panini while doing a Pilate.

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Pilates killed Jesus.


The chip butty is a weird one, because there’s no US equivalent.

Unless you consider the Fat Darrell:


And is a corn dog a sandwich?

Just asking.


Just the fact that its name has a Pittsburgh English IPA transcription makes me want to try this sandwich.


Ingredients? Where are we on Sandwich Fixins? I think I’ve slid into the latter usage somewhat. I mean, I know where the USDA stands on fixins, but in terms of sandwiches, I may be commiting casual acts of heresy…

I would say a sandwich is made up of layers that can be defined planarly. Pockets or cylinders need not apply.

To expound on the hot dog, you would have to separate the bun, and slice the contents to achieve planar orientation of any toppings and qualify as a sandwich. An unadulterated dog with traditional toppings inherently organizes itself in a non-planar fashion.

edit: to complete a sandwich , there must be some kind of enveloping layer that is repeated.


i’ve known people to call it a “grillswith”

Certainly, if it’s the last one and there’s 2 still hungry stomachs.

So what if you sandwich a bunch of oreos between two waffles, with the oreos covered with marshmallow creme and the whole thing covered in maple syrup?


Does folding pizza like a New Yorker does make it a sandwich?

“The Nile crocodile chowed down on Billy atop his kayak like he was an open faced sandwich. If only Billy had consulted the locals about safe places to practice his hobby”

Does that fix it?

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Yes it does.

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In that situation it would be appropriate to say “oreos sandwiched between two waffles,” but that’s still not a proper sandwich any more than a threesome is a proper sandwich.

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You’ve progressed from sandwich anarchy to Sandwich Absurdism.