so this one time I took some stuff, you know, and it made me sort of weird and I got a fetish to smell sandalwood on the heads of bald men, and to get them to rub the sandalwood on I told them it would cure baldness, anyway I’m not proud of what I did but really all these credulous bald men are the real ones at fault here.
Comb-overs are not comb-overs!
I’m good, really.
Did the study say anything about the smell of horseshit?
Go with that for the flies buzzing around your head look.
So did I. Baldies want genuine sandalwood… not synthetic.
Some of us baldies would settle for wood sandals.
That should draw peoples’ attention from ones bald spot to the feet. For awhile.
Unless combined with socks. Then its all you can see.
True. But it’s very tricky… matching sock colors to sandals without some fashion nazis going ape-shit. I speak from experience.
Just be careful with wearing plaid (or polka-dot) socks with striped sandals after Labor Day.
I suppose I could google that… or (as I am now) ask you to explain that one! Sounds bizarre.
Google won’t help, I was just being silly. :
This comment made me think of Christian backed “Baldness Conversion Therapy Camps” becoming a thing.
“Jesus wasn’t bald! It’s unnatural, I tell ya!”
Full disclosure, I’m bald because I choose to be. Yes, for some of us baldness is a choice. For me a cure would be to put down the razor. Although the few times I’ve let my hair grow out recently, my hairline is certainly giving up the battle.
That’s how you get hairy hobbit feet.
Okay, then. I’m kind of surprised now that there wasn’t something to it. There are some weird occasion-related requirements lingering out there.
We just need to genetically engineer the trees to excrete the synthetic compound. To the Lab!!!
I knew it, there must be some sandalwood hidden around the house!
Synthetic sandalwood. Great. I have been putting real sandalwood oil in my bath water for 20 years. Oh well.