The Swagtron T3

If it was with my dying breath, I would caution anyone against attempting the feat…. I would sooner walk up to the mouth of a cannon, knowing it was going to blow me to pieces than make another trip over the Fall.

–Annie Edson Taylor, who went over Niagara Falls in a barrel on her 63rd birthday in 1901, becoming the first person ever to do so.


They move faster and in a different manner than a normal pedestrian or runner. That tends to make the twingy hind-brain scream “other!”


Interestingly, he may have been hit in the testes, directly or indirectly, if his instinctive threat response to “withdraw” were in effect.

Depending on the angle of the shot, even from the front he may have had indirect effects through the afore-mentioned area affecting the central nervous system. Effective results can be achieved from any somewhat focused (e.g. toe of boot, or paintball) strike in the area covering the perineum to the tailbone. Even a frontal strike could have that effect simply from the shock-wave passing through the requisite area. E.g. the effects of a good strike to the pubic bone derive not so much from the shock and pain at the point of the blow, (though there’s plenty of that), but rather from the instantaneous tilt and shockwave in the pelvis down to the perineal area. (Similar to a knock-out punch, the jaw hurts but the knock-out effect comes from elsewhere.)

For as tough as humans are we’re also surprisingly fragile.

Is this really true? Faster than walking I can see, but I typically jog at around 8-10mph. I’d consider faster than running as 10-15mph, even though that’s easy enough to hit in short bursts. I’ve never seen a hoverboard move nearly that fast.

How did you get so old?

By not doing what that guy is doing… just remember, it’s not the heights that kill you, it’s the floor. Floors are dangerous!

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i lost a few years of life watching that video and i’m usually fine with stuff like that, love parkour, it was how quickly that situation could have gotten away from him and how little control he really had.

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The Propellerheads remix is.


Sure, your scientific being.


In a few years, this model will be an impulse buy at $100.

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We were teens, so we pretty much insisted on getting the whole story and a visual inspection to boot. To avoid as much detail as possible, let’s say he was wearing tightie whities, he was in the “man up” position, and the paintball hit about 1" beneath the opening to his urethra. I.e. a solid shaft shot. He was bruised with a bit of swelling (and you can imagine the jokes that followed). I think he went down because of the sheer pain. It took a few minutes just to get him to release the death grip he had on his crotch, much less get him to walk off course.

Testes weren’t involved. A solid blow to an area that has many many nerve endings, and is generally not accustomed to pain was enough.


…and I stand there, watching them all, in my lab coat and safety googles. Ooooh yeaaah.

You have some problem with the empirical process, then?


To be fair, I do use these for urban hunting.


First one of these I ever saw was in front of a residential building. Douche gets dropped off from a minivan, rides his thingamajig around to the driver’s side, PICKS UP A TODDLER, then proceeds to head for the building with baby in arms. Of course he misjudges the door width, hangs a wheel and they both get pitched into the lobby.

Assuming the baby is not terribly hurt, I would pay a dollar to watch that.

No hurt babies. Not yet anyway.

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So: careless idiots use them. Does this mean i get to call all car drivers douches and assholes now?

Nota bene: I have never used one of these machines, merely curious about what it is about these that makes people hate the users.

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Nobody likes feeling like a chump.


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