The teachers' strikes are spreading

Emphasis mine. I can’t find any evidence of this happening. Not in the Labor Notes link, not in any news articles (searched with keywords “prison,” “jail,” and “arrest”). The people accused of being leaders were fired, not imprisoned.

I totally support the teachers’ walkouts (and those of other school workers like drivers), but sensationalizing like this does not help with credibility. It’s gotten to the point where I simply don’t trust Cory’s articles to be entirely factual anymore.


Why start now? :wink:


Sherlock. SHERLOCK.

You support for both ‘sides’ in this are why you’re here to point out mistakes on your own ‘side’?


Not sure what you mean by this. What are the sides you’re referring to? RIght and left? Teachers vs government? Something else?

I refuse to hold us to a low standard just because other outlets don’t care anymore. There are not people being arrested here, it’s simply untrue, and saying that provides an avenue for discrediting the entire article, even if the rest is completely accurate. Adding shock value this way is very short-sighted and counter-productive.

Cory writes most of the articles on here, and I used to take them at face value because I trusted BB as a whole. Maybe I’m a bit slow to catch on to his embellishments, but there’s no reason to be a dick about it. And much like my argument about this single article, inaccurate articles drag down the credibility of all of BB, even if the rest is fine.

TL;DR: I don’t want a left-Breitbart.

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Support (which you’re not doing here) vs !supporting (which is what you are doing here)

You claim support, and do that?

Turn down the gaslights.

And your approach here has worked when, how, and where for whom?

Is wanting to keep our argument strong and not full of inaccuracies somehow unsupportive? I refuse to blindly accept and be ok with whatever is written here.

Like your reply to me, I chose not to reply to the entirety of the article. On its primary point (“school workers are being screwed and that is bad”), I have nothing to add, but when there’s a line suggesting that government entities are arresting people for organizing labor, something that goes pretty far beyond the usual anti-union bullshit, I get worried. Two possibilities:

  1. That’s true. HOLY SHIT!!! We need to focus attention on this and get it fixed ASAP!
  2. That’s not true. Crap, what else in here isn’t true…

Would you prefer uncritical acceptance of everything we’re fed?


your desire to punch up is admirable.

Your targeting is way off.

Fuck’s sake, this isn’t about attacking anyone! I have no desire to drag anyone down, I want to raise up our discourse.

Not every argument has to be antagonistic.


you came here knowing Cory (who is a fiction writer, and not responsible for education policy) might not get everything to your liking, and want an apology for it?

mommy did not choose this meal for you.

You sound very passionate about Teachers Strikes. Indeed.

Is this your first day on the internet? Because yes, yes it does… :wink:


Do you realize you’re making Fox News’ argument?

They don’t need to tell the truth because they’re just entertainment and everyone knows that. The fact that it’s presented as news and not dystopian fiction shouldn’t matter, right?

Don’t do this.


I treat BB and this board as being at a higher level than most internet discussion. Maybe I’m a cynic, but it feels like we’re being dragged down.

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Ok Squirrel. Have good day. Say hello to Moose.

You’re not alone in your observation that Cory uses hyperbole in too many posts. Yes others find it distracting. Yes it should make anyone question the rest of it. Then again, maybe that is his ploy - throwing in an obvious lie so you actually go and spend time researching the truth.

I get this is a blog and shouldn’t be assumed to be 100% accurate, but I think one should make an effort to not add their own embellishments, but that is just me. I give my height as 5’ 11 1/2", not 6’, because that is my actual height.


Surprised that Cory forgot to mention Arizona. Monday will be our third day of no school across the entire state, and it will definitely last until at least next Thursday. We had 50,000 march on the Capitol last Thursday.


Apple trees are blossoming here in the PNW, and in a few months apples that look like that could be available. Is there really a market?

Inflating “fired” to “arrested” does not rise to the level of inventing stories whole cloth out of thin air. Now who’s exaggerating?

There was a bus driver arrested in Georgia this week, but it was in connection to an accident. It is sloppy but not ridiculous for someone skimming the news to mistakenly conflate the two stories.

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Too sloppy to be anywhere near journalism. How many thoughtlessly shared such ‘news?’

Except in every developed country outside of America, in many developing countries, and in many American states.

It’s more like “when politicians who run on platforms of dismantling society control schools, education will not be the priority.” Maybe try voting for different politicians.


Republicans/Fox News have been defunding education for five decades. At the same time they have complained about how public schools are failing. The response to failing schools is proposing less funding for schools because school are not working.

Even more insidious, Republicans/Fox News rail against science, common sense, and simple math. We now have 4 generations of Americans that don’t believe in global warming, but do believe in the trickle down theory of economics.

Republicans/Fox News sings the praises of corporate criminals and blame the worlds ills on teachers.