I was raised to use wonder read for plumbing. It is an ideal temporary plug. You pack it into the pipe and it will stop the water for 5-10 minutes while you fix the problem, then, you turn the water back on and it dissolves in water and never causes a clog.
Note: the video talks about cold rolling grain but these days hammer mills are used to pasteurize while milling. I know people who swear by cold rolling cereal grains because of the effect of high heat on the oils.
Book It! was literally the best part of 3rd grade, it’s not even close. It meant we got to go to a restaurant, I got to dictate which restaurant, and at the restaurant I was like a king with my free pizza.
When we were kids my brother and I removed the crusts from all the slices in a loaf of Wonder Bread and rolled the rest into a ball about the size of a baseball (hardball). Tasted weird. We didn’t try it with PB&J. It rolled nicely, though.