The truth about Wonder bread

I was raised to use wonder read for plumbing. It is an ideal temporary plug. You pack it into the pipe and it will stop the water for 5-10 minutes while you fix the problem, then, you turn the water back on and it dissolves in water and never causes a clog.

Note: the video talks about cold rolling grain but these days hammer mills are used to pasteurize while milling. I know people who swear by cold rolling cereal grains because of the effect of high heat on the oils.

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Book It! was literally the best part of 3rd grade, it’s not even close. It meant we got to go to a restaurant, I got to dictate which restaurant, and at the restaurant I was like a king with my free pizza.


When we were kids my brother and I removed the crusts from all the slices in a loaf of Wonder Bread and rolled the rest into a ball about the size of a baseball (hardball). Tasted weird. We didn’t try it with PB&J. It rolled nicely, though.


You can actually play slow-pitch softball with one of those bread blobs!


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