i really have mixed feelings about linking to this article, as it valorizes so much crap…
That buckskin jacket makes it all worthwhile.
Also, I recall when the right says “Deep State” what they mean is career civil servants who have a measure of seniority and expertise. Mister Trump doesn’t want a bunch of know-it-alls running around mocking him behind hi back. Mister Trump wants praise.
That is a great film.
@jerwin, from that article, “Between October 2001 and October 2002, the Shadow Wolves seized 108,000 pounds of illegal drugs, nearly half of all the drugs intercepted by Customs in Arizona.”
That really doesn’t sounds like winning the War on Drugs to me
That’s Steven Seagal? Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s John Goodman…
Waiting for Gode?
I’m pretty sure the prose will stop you, so go to town.
It’s one of these
Jesus. Paranoia makes crazy people even crazier. I know a guy who knows a guy who was paid to “spar” with Seagal once, at a Dojo, and he was paid to take a fall, but to “make it look good”, and he did, because the money was good. Even so, he said that Seagal is a really rotten martial artist, and that he is followed around by a cadre of toadies, including three make-up and one hair person, but you couldn’t tell, because he always looked like crap.
Of course we’re winning! The supply keeps being endless, but we can fill the jails up and build more, and confiscate 108,000 pounds of illegal drugs (notice they didn’t say 54 tons.) There’s always more and more, we’re winning so hard, there’s an opioid epidemic. So we need a much bigger budget. You wouldn’t want us to lose.
And apparently a really rotten person. I’m surprised he hasn’t been taken down as a serial sexual abuser, but then, maybe that’s because his star has already fallen so far that hardly anyone gives a shit about him anymore.
And Seagal will have an obvious stunt double in all the fight scenes.
You do all realize that it’ll be impossible for future historians to figure out what is and what isn’t satire, right?
I could have sworn that was Tom Selleck.
Another Putin ass kisser, no thanks.
How can you confuse Steve with a cactus?
One of them is covered in pricks, whereas the other one…
Rob Schneider telling a couple funny Steven Seagal stories…
I’m probably crazy but I love reading this sort of BS. I find the excerpt and reviews hilarious. Occasionally I bump into someone who is into this sort of prose. Hard to keep straight face while someone extols the virtues of the life styles in the Tarnsman of Gor or some book by John Ringo.
“Posteriors of Gor!” as I like to refer to that series after the cover art.
Who is John Gode?