Originally published at: The World's Largest Hockey Stick is at the center of a financial uproar | Boing Boing
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If I had Bezos’s money, I’d build this sort of thing instead of Blue Origin.
Canada has many Big Things http://www.bigthings.ca/
Wondered the same. He is a hockey fan, part of the Oilers ownership group for a while, so maybe…
It’s a bit sad to see our Big Stick go, but it’s 40 years old, made of wood, and sitting in the elements. It was made as a stunt for Expo 86 and was never meant as a long lived outdoor attraction. The estimated cost to fix it is in the millions, amazingly, so not worth saving it, sadly.
yup the very same.
It’s definitely a ton of money. I’m curious how the survey will go.
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