There is a gift shop of macabre goodies inside of the Los Angeles coroner's office

Originally published at: There is a gift shop of macabre goodies inside of the Los Angeles coroner's office | Boing Boing


I feel for the victims’ families, as most of them are dealing with the coroner’s office at one of the most difficult times in their lives, “ha ha chalk outline”, and similar does not seem considerate. I get the folks who come in are probably not next-of-kin.

Knowing what I know now about the LAPD and LASD, I can not even be sure these are not a sick celebration of putting folks in the morgue dog whistle.

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Any “Last Responder” t shirts? A friend picked one up at a mortician’s conference.


Thanks, but I already have a life time supply of “toe tags”, I’m good.

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It’s something difficult to know if “debunk” data is as bunk as the information being debunked is supported to be, but haven’t I read that chalk outlines are a fiction from Hollywood? Forensic detection of murders is younger than photography, and was used from the outset.

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This shop has been closed for some time, sadly. It was great!!

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