This 1861 recipe for a toast sandwich consists of a piece of toast between two slices of untoasted bread

DAY 1: The Trad.

Now, I know Mrs Beeton said to avoid butter on the bread, but consider this a 21st century twist on an old staple.
The bread is a little long, so, cut into three, makes for the perfect snack.
The middle portion is toasted, buttered, and then sprinkled with a little kitchen salt and pepper.
The bottom-bread ™ is also buttered. DO NOT BUTTER THE TOP-BREAD.

The trick now is to carefully put the sandwich together. Remember, top-bread ™ goes butter-side down. Bottom-bread can flip either way (according to social media).

A delicious crunchy centre, slighty salty (as to be expected), with moistish after-effects from the bread surroundings. Stale bread not recommended for this dish, as it will diminish the whole "crunchy-centre surprise.
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