This bizarre anti-masturbation video can't be real, but it is

Was in this goof ball cult during my late teens early 20s.

I always will remember a special talk a representative from the headquarters gave, which I later learned was given to all witnesses across America, possibly even global.

The speaker talked for 30 minutes about why people shouldn’t have sex with animals. Bestiality is a sin! To add to the fun the speaker had a strong new england accent.

What about sex with an “animer”?
This is fornication, which is forbidden by Jehovah.
What about rubbing the gentials of an “animer”, while rubbing your own genitals too?
This would be fornication, which is forbidden by Jehovah.
What about only rubbing the genitals of an “animer”, without stimulating yourself?
That would be fornication too, which is forbidden by Jehovah.

The room was filled with mostly middle aged and elderly women.

Cut to: groups of JWs later wondering out loud how big the epidemic of human/animal relations was “in the truth” and if anybody locally was doing it.