This bizarre shooting range has bullets flying across a major highway. On purpose.

Wherever you are driving, it isn’t like the places I’ve driven.


I don’t understand what that sentence means. The Swiss have a lower homicide and suicide rate - firearms related or otherwise.

Some days are better than others, but over all, people are getting to their destinations.

All of a sudden, fate deals a cruel hand to a lost delivery driver.


There’s a 3D version:

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When you compare the US to a country or region with similar standard-of-living and diversity, you can smooth out all the “can’t compare US to Switzerland” differences and get down to the nitty gritty. And that nitty gritty is guns per capita. And that’s the over-riding determinate of firearm fatality - the prevalence of guns. It’s not socio-economics, it’s not diversity - hell, it’s not even crime. It’s guns. The UK, for instance, has a similar overall crime rate and a similar violent crime rate, but the homicide rate is lower and the suicide rate is lower and that all traces back to the difference being firearm availability.


That won’t do any good. The real problem is that the meaning of "Sicherheitsbewertung der Waffen im 300m-Schiessstand“ is ambiguous, as you can see from this very thread. And there’s no consideration given to any Romansh speakers at all.


They’re on the other side of the motorway shooting back.

Adds spice to the range, as they say. :wink:


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