This freaky mermaid-monkey residing in a Japanese temple may not be what it seems, scientists report

Originally published at: This freaky mermaid-monkey residing in a Japanese temple may not be what it seems, scientists report | Boing Boing

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Love that sideshow gaffes are an international phenomenon.

Related: Looks like master gaffe-maker Doug Higley passed away last year. His page is still up, though, and a lot of fun:

Had some communication with him years ago about commissioning a piece. Really regret not following through.


purely gratuitous headline snark alert

…may not be what it seems…

“seems” is such a personal word. Wherein i’d wager to the vast majority of BoingBoing peanut-gallery members this seems like an established bit of fakery (complete with the stylish cummerbund over the ‘join’), and lo’ and behold…


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